Whole School Science Homework: Science Good Deed

Whole School Science Homework: Science Good Deed

Keep your science good deeds coming! If you haven't yet taken part in this term's science homework, why not give it a go. 

Take a Science Selfie while you are completing your Science Good Deed and post it on Tapestry!  If you would like to have your photo included in our weekly school newsletter, please e-mail your photo to admin@burlingtoni.org.uk

Our Eco Council need your help!  They know that Burlington children enjoy taking care of the world and would like you to take part in a Science Good Deed this half term!  You might do the activity for one day or you might try to do it everyday for a week. 

Science Good Deed

Here are a few ideas for you to choose from:

Go on a litter pick
Walk to school
Turn off the tap when you are brushing your teeth
Turn off the lights when no one is in the room
Create a Bug Hotel in your garden or at the park
Help with the recycling at home
If you have a garden, plant some bee friendly plants
Donate old toys, clothes and books to charity or organise a toy swap with a friend
If you have a garden, collect rainwater to water your plants

All year groups from Nursery to Year 2 are welcome to take part!