Year 2 Spring 2 Update

Year 2 Spring 2 Update

We have had another exciting and busy half term! 

We had a fabulous first week back celebrating our love of reading during ‘Book Week’.  This year our key text was ‘Luna and the Sky Dragon’ by Bethan Woollvin. The children in Year 2 enjoyed learning about different star constellations and writing to persuade others to join Luna’s love of stargazing. The children took part in many activities including reading with children from the junior school and taking part in a bedtime story.  At the end of the week we finished with our annual ‘Dress Up Day’.  The children all looked amazing in their costumes and the staff got involved too!

Our key text for this half term was another book written by Bethan Woollvin called ‘Hansel and Gretel’.  The children took on the role of Hansel and Gretel to write a letter to their friend to persuade them to visit good witch Willow’s house.

In maths we recapped our knowledge of place value and used this to complete addition and subtraction number sentences using a range of strategies.  We then applied this skill to solving word problems.  We also learnt how to use a thermometer, ruler and a measuring jug. We have also worked very hard to be able to read and make times on a clock.

The children researched the physical and human features of south east Brazil and continued to develop their persuasive writing skills by writing a brochure to encourage people to visit Rio de Janeiro. 

In PSHE we have been discovering some new snacks that are good for our bodies.  Awesome Avocado proved very popular!  The children also enjoyed the fruity scone, the veggie dips and tasting a variety of fruits including pineapples and mangoes.

In Science we have been sorting objects we found outside into living, has never lived and once living and explaining why. We have also recapped our learning about food chains.  We took part in an exciting STEM project building a vehicle from a shoe box to help us learn about wheels and axles.

Our Computing learning this half term has been about data information.  The children entered data onto their chromebook and created pictograms and block diagrams.  

Our focus this half term in art has been painting.   We learnt about local artist Richard Rowan and recreated one of our favourite paintings using watercolours.

In PE we have been focussing on gymnastics, invasion games and target games. We have been gaining confidence at balancing, rolling and creating sequences on equipment.

Thank you again for your continued support, we really appreciate it. It was great to have so many of you join us on Reading Morning. We enjoyed wearing our own clothes on Red Nose Day and thank you for your generous donations.  We were also impressed by your creativity for the Easter Egg competition and for Book Week Dress Up Day!

We hope you all have a lovely relaxing half term and we will see you back at school on Monday 15th April.