Multicultural Picnic - 24th May

Multicultural Picnic - 24th May

Multi-cultural picnic – bring a dish!

On Friday 24th May, we will be hosting a whole school multicultural picnic to celebrate the end of our Around the World Week! The picnic will start at 2pm and end at 3.20pm and will take place in the infant school playground (weather permitting!).

We would like all children to be collected from class at 2pm to join the picnic. If you are not able to collect your child, please arrange for a friend or family member to pick up and join in the fun. Morning nursery parents – we would love it if you could come back to join us in the afternoon!

As an ‘entrance fee’ we are asking all parents to bring a small dish that feeds around 6 people, that represents either your own culture or a country that you have visited. This can be shop-bought or homemade. We welcome you to bring a larger dish that feeds more than 6 people, if you are able.

All the dishes will be displayed together and served buffet style by members of staff. We ask that no foods containing NUTS be brought into school. We will send home via the book bags some sticky labels, which can be used to write the name of your dish and any allergens. Please stick these to the dish container when you bring them in along with your child’s name and class. Please collect your dish container at 3.20pm before leaving. 

If you are unable to bring a dish, we ask that you pay a small entry fee of £3 on the gate. This will help pay for us to buy some extra food to supplement the dishes brought in by parents.

Soft drinks (fruit squash and water) will be provided free. All food will be shared (free!), buffet style.

We will be playing music from all around the world and there will be free face painting and henna tattoos. Come in traditional dress if you wish!

We are inviting parents to support us in making the day as memorable as possible for the children. If you would like to perform a cultural dance or perhaps play an instrument, please speak to Nadia in the school office for more details.

We are really excited about getting the whole school together to celebrate our rich cultural diversity!

Best wishes,  

Mrs Yay-Walker, Headteacher