Voluntary Contribution 2023-24 Update

Voluntary Contribution 2023-24 Update

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the school fund, we are well on our way to reaching our target with £6,626 raised so far!

Our voluntary contribution is £50 per family - if you feel you are able to contribute, this can be paid online via your School Gateway account. There is also an option to pay on a reducing balance with smaller instalments throughout the year. 

The money we raise from these contributions goes towards enriching experiences for the children such as Earthsong, Big Breakfast, Don Rae Music and pretend holidays. This academic year, we have also used the funds to buy new iPads and laptops for the classrooms, cameras for computing and fantastic workshops run by Kiddirama for Black History Month.

You can read more about our School Fund by visiting the webpage: 

School Fund web page