Year 2 Spring 1 Update

Year 2 Spring 1 Update

It has been another busy, fun filled time in Year 2!

We all love reading and we have really enjoyed the book Ada Twist, Scientist!  We wrote a character description about her and then we all brought in our favourite book characters and wrote a character description about them.  

In Maths we continued to learn about multiplication and division.  We also enjoyed learning about fractions of a shape and of a number,  and all about 2D and 3D shapes.

In Science we have been finding out about and describing the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air) and describing the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.  We took part in a bread/germ experiment and egg/teeth experiment.  These helped us to learn about the importance of washing our hands and looking after our teeth.  

During our History lessons we have been learning about two important nurses who helped to look after soldiers during the Crimean War, called Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. As part of our DT learning we made beds and used the blanket stitch to make covers for hospital beds for the soldiers.  We manipulated clay to make medals for the nurses. 

This term we are learning about Judaism.  This half term we learnt the Jewish Creation story and special objects such as the mezuzah and the menorah.

In computing we were learning about robot algorithms and designed, created, and tested a mat for a floor robot.  We also took part in Internet Safety Day. We must ask if we are allowed to go on the internet, we must keep our personal details safe, we must be kind and if we see anything that makes us have the ‘uh oh’ feeling, we must tell an adult.

The children were visited by the police, and learnt who the police are and how they can help in the community/school, for example by being secret superheroes by carrying out litter pickings, and telling an adult if they see anything unusual.  We also took part in a workshop with Earth Song to learn about Chinese New Year.

We are excited about next half term which begins with our annual Book Week!  Thank you for all your support. We hope you all have a lovely week off!