Artsmark Gold Award

Artsmark Gold Award

We are thrilled to have been awarded the Artsmark Gold Award this month. This award celebrates the range of arts and cultural opportunities and experiences that we offer at Burlington Infant & Nursery Schoool for our children to engage in.

Here is the feedback from the assessors:

You have successfully provided a range of arts and cultural opportunities and experiences, for pupils to engage in. Your Family Music mornings in the nursery setting has enabled parents and carers to sing, listen, make music, and share in the joy of the arts. Events to celebrate and showcase the pupils learning, have also been organised through class assemblies and festive performances. Pupils have the opportunity to perform in a range of venues including, the Rose Theatre, as well as the choir and dance groups performing at a variety of schools events. All these opportunities help to keep the arts in high profile across the wider school community. Staff have been provided with a range of professional development opportunities and pupils and staff collaborated with organisations across the community. Live performances have been provided by a parent who is a singer with the Royal Opera House, and another who is a singer-songwriter-guitarist. You have worked hard to ensure there is diversity across the curriculum, whilst providing opportunities to highlight a range of artists and role models from across the community. Examples include the achievements of Sri Lankan gymnast and in Art, the intricate observational drawings of London born artist Stephen Wiltshire, who was diagnosed with autism when he was three. It would appear there is evidence to support the impact your art curriculum is having on pupils, and you comment that, children at Burlington talk positively about their learning in art and the impact it has on their well-being. You might like to consider obtain further measurable effects and developing a case study in this area to share with other schools. You have provided a range of appropriate areas to develop in the future. The introduction of Arts Award may be another way for pupils to formally celebrate their achievements whilst providing further CPD opportunities for staff.

Thank you to all our parents who support us to achieve this!