Covid advice for children testing negative

Covid advice for children testing negative

Dear Parents/Carers,

We would like to confirm some advice regarding children who are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms. As per the government guidelines, you should book a test as soon as your child displays any of the 3 main symptoms: 

-A new consistent or continuous cough 
-A high temperature (we are sending children and staff home to be tested if over 37.5 degrees)
-A loss of taste and/or smell

If your child’s Covid test comes back as negative then your child may return to school but only if they are well and no longer showing symptoms. If for example, they still have a temperature or cough then you should continue to keep them at home. If the cough or temperature continues to persist, you should consult with your GP or call 119 for further advice. 

Best wishes, Burlington Infant & Nursery School