Easter Egg Competition 2023

Easter Egg Competition 2023

A huge well done to everyone who took part in our annual Easter egg competition. We absolutely loved seeing all the wonderful creations, what fabulous imaginations our children have! It was a really tough competition to judge as they were all great! 

The winners are: 

Hedgehogs - Frankie (1st place), Alexander (2nd place), Yuvan (3rd place)
Rabbits - Jian (1st place), Shayne (2nd place), Jamie (3rd place)
Foxes - Kianee (1st place), Linea (2nd place), Devin (3rd place)
Squirrels - Maria (1st place), Ashwinii (2nd place), Teddy (3rd place)

Rubies - Isabelle (1st place), Almeda (2nd place), Benjamin H (3rd place)
Diamonds - Henry (1st place), Connie (2nd place), Aroukeh (3rd place)
Sapphires - George T (1st place), Alfred (2nd place), Kitty (3rd place)
Emeralds - Elina (1st place), Izzy (2nd place), Hayden (3rd place)

Mercury - Torben (1st place), Harry (2nd place), Lila-Mae (3rd place)
Jupiter - Armand (1st place), Chloe W (2nd place), Charlotte (3rd place)
Venus - Scarlett (1st place), Isabel (2nd place), Duruvanan (3rd place)
Saturn - Edith (1st place), Agatha (2nd place), Leo (3rd place)