February Update for Year 1

February Update for Year 1

This half term our topic has been space. We have read a fantastic story called Beegu and used this to help us learn how to retell stories in our own words.  In our writing we really worked  hard at using full stops and capital letters.  We were also trying to write sentences using the conjunction and and use the -ed suffix.  As well as writing a story we wrote a non-fiction text.  We created our own book all about the solar system.  We have become space experts!

There have also been some exciting events this half term.  A giant dinosaur egg was discovered in the playground and a spaceship landed in our playground when a baby alien visited our school.  We did exciting experiments about dinosaur blood (YUK!) and wrote letters to the baby alien’s dad helping him to find his son.

In our maths learning we have been working hard at developing our adding and subtraction skills and we are using different methods, such as counting on and back, using our number bond knowledge or adding/subtracting though to ten.  As well as getting better at our arithmetic skills we have been looking at numbers up to 50. We have been learning how many tens and ones are in a number and how we can show 2 digit numbers in resources or in drawings. 

We have also been understanding how important it is to safe online.  We learnt that sometimes the internet asks us to share information and that some information is personal.  Personal information should only be shared with people we know and we know to tell an adult if we ever feel uncomfortable when we are online.

To help us understand how people celebrate Chinese New Year we were lucky enough to attend a workshop by Earth Song.  We listened to and played music, and also created different dances.  We even got to dress up in traditional costumes.  Everyone had a lot of fun.