Nursery Newsletter March 2024

Nursery Newsletter March 2024

Spring 2 half term learning

We started the half term with a very exciting Book Week, learning about ‘Space’, wearing pyjamas for a bedtime story and dressing up as book characters. The children also had fun buddy reading with Year 3 classes from the Junior school!  Our topic this past half term was ‘Eggtastic’! Our first key text ‘Handa’s Hen’ was very popular and many of the children now know it by heart! We loved learning to find Africa on a world map and about the different animals. It has also helped us become very good at recognising the numbers 1 to 10 and matching the right number of objects to the numeral. The children have been fascinated by our second text, ‘Chickens Aren’t The Only Ones’ learning about the different creatures that lay eggs (oviparous) including dinosaurs, birds, amphibians and reptiles.  Celebrating Holi, Eid, Mothers day and Easter have been highlights of the term but the most exciting event was our chicks. We watched the chicks hatch out of eggs and have been able to care for and handle them! It has been great for the children to see the bulbs you kindly sent in last October flower into beautiful snowdrops, hyacinths, tulips and daffodils! In PSHE we learnt all about keeping healthy by eating and sleeping well as well as doing exercise. Thank you for sending in the fruit for the fruit kebabs, it was so exciting to touch, smell and taste such a wonderful variety! Finally thank you for coming to our Rhyme Time concerts, we were very proud of how enthusiastically the children sang. We hope you liked the Mother’s day cards (in the style of Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama ) the children made at Nursery and are impressed that they are trying to write their own names. We had a fun final week of term making chocolate nests and the Easter Egg competition!

Overview of next half term

Our topic is ‘Plantastic’’. The table above gives you an overview of the learning and activities we will be focussing on in the 3 year old Nursery. The 2yos will focus on a simplified version of this plan. 

Our focus is growing fruit and vegetables, and we have a special ‘bring a plant to school week’ when we ask you send in vegetable or fruit seedlings such as strawberries, tomatoes, peppers,  beans, peas, broccoli, kale, etc. for the children to care for and watch grow at school.

Dates for your Diary 

Tuesday 16 April - National Offer Day for Reception places: You will receive an email from the council after 5pm on this day

Friday 19 April - Maths and MANGO day: For Mums, Aunties, Nans, Grannies and other female relatives, please come and join us from 8.30-9.30 am or 12.30 to 1.30pm.

Monday 22 April: Bring fruit / vegetable seedling to school this week

Friday 26 April, 8.30-9.30am or 12.30-1.30pm: Share a book with your child.  All parents welcome.

Monday 6 May - Bank Holiday: Nursery closed.

Thursday 9 and Friday 10 May - Nursery trip to B&Q: Please let us know if you can come and help.

w/c 20 May - Aroung the World Week: We pick a country to learn about. Please let us know if you are interested in helping with this.

Firday 24 May - Multicultural Picnic: Details to follow.

Friday 24 May - End of half term

Further Information

Please ensure your child is wearing sensible shoes for the Summer i.e closed in shoes/sandals, NO open toed shoes. This is to prevent injuries to your child’s feet. 
Please send in a change of clothes for your child as they will be having lots of fun with water.
Thank you for writing a note in the Reading record and returning the book bag every Friday. It is lovely to see your comments about how much you enjoy reading together at home.
If you are encouraging your child to learn to write, please help them use lowercase letters rather than capitals with the exception of the first letter in their name. Please always say the sounds rather than the letter names and say them correctly. Follow this guide on how to say them…
Thank you for naming all items of clothing, bottles and bags and choosing clothes that your child can run and climb in, and you don’t mind getting messy in the mud kitchen or when painting
Check Tapestry regularly for updates and send us photos and videos of what you have been up to at home.
Look out for the weekly Nursery updates on Tapestry. Essential information for the week ahead for you and your child. 
Contact us if you have any questions on Tapestry or at the door - we are here to help!

Thank you as always for all your support.  Have a good Spring break.  The Nursery Team