Nursery Newsletter October 2022

Nursery Newsletter October 2022

Last half term

Thank you for welcoming us into your homes in September! It has been wonderful to get to know you and your children over the half term. We are delighted with how quickly and how well they have settled in.  We have had so much fun this half term exploring, learning and making friends inside and outside. Our topic has been ‘our families’ and the children have loved talking about their family pictures and celebrating the different cultures our families come from with parents coming in to teach us about Korea, Portugal, Turkey, Bulgaria, France and America - thank you for helping! . The children had fun joining in with the Anansi story telling and the Earth Song Diwali workshops. Finally, the Nursery is looking wonderfully green inside and outside because of the plants you donated. Thank you very much!

Overview of next half term

Term begins on Monday 31st October and ends on Friday 16th December. Our topic is ‘Journeys’.  Every Friday we send you a summary of what is coming up in the week ahead in Nursery. It is very beneficial and helpful if you take a little time with your child to talk about it to help them learn vocabulary and get them excited about what they will be learning. Below is a summary of the learning in Green, Yellow and Blue Nursery.

Dates for your Diary

Friday 11th November - Reading Morning/Afternoon - we would like to invite you into the Nursery to read a book with your child at the start of the session. 

Week commencing 14th November - Bring a bulb to school - We would be very grateful if you could bring a bulb or a packet of bulbs to school on the week of the 14th November. The children will plant them and watch them grow next Spring. B&Q or Wilko have a good selection.

Christmas Concert - We will let you know as soon as possible what the dates and arrangements are for the Nursery Christmas concerts.

Tuesday 13th December - Christmas Party - the children can come in wearing party clothes that day. We will let you know nearer the time what we would like you to contribute.

Important Information

To read the book your child brings home with them, write a note in the Reading record and return the book bag every Friday. We are very impressed with how well this is going and how much the children are enjoying the books at home.
We go outside in all weathers so please ensure your child has warm clothes and a warm waterproof coat as well as suitable boots or shoes. Trousers, tracksuit bottoms and leggings are best for Nursery as children can climb, run and go to the toilet by themselves much more easily than in dresses and skirts and tights.
Check Tapestry regularly for updates and send us photos and videos of what you have been up to at home!
Talk to your child about what they have done or will be doing in Nursery.
Contact us if you have any questions on Tapestry or at the door - we are here to help!

Thank you as always for all your support.

The Nursery Team