The Opal team has been hard at work and we are pleased to say that we have opened up a couple of new activities for the children to access. See our Opal board and tapestry posts for the latest update.
As the weather has been very wet this week, our orchard is full of wonderful puddles that the children have been happily playing in. We still want the children to have access to the orchard regardless of the weather. We currently have wellies for the children to use but we are very short on waterproofs. Please, if you have any waterproof trousers, dungarees or puddle suits at home that you no longer need we would be very grateful to receive them.
As the weather has been so wet we would like to ask for all parents to keep a spare set of socks, trousers (jogging bottoms/leggings)and ideally a pair of plimsolls in their book bags. This is so when they get wet, they have something dry to change into.
We are also looking for any old kitchen equipment so that we can improve our mud kitchen. We are looking for kettles, toasters, microwaves and coffee machines (no glass please).
Any donations of waterproofs please send to the office and all other donations can go in the Opal donation bin by our new shed on the playground.
Many thanks
Mrs Leech, Miss Bisco and Ms Farr (Opal Team)