PSQM Award

PSQM Award

We are delighted to let you know that Burlington Infant School has been successful in our submission for Primary Science Quality Mark Gilt.  The reviewers were very impressed by the high quality of the submission and the commitment to leading science in our school, and the positive impact it has on teaching and learning.  The accreditation is valid for three years.

It is clear science is valued at the school.
It is evident to see the passion and commitment by the science leader to keep championing the subject to others and lead on positive change within the school.

Here are some highlights from our PSQM journey!

Children at Burlington have the opportunity to take part in science clubs, and topical science activities e.g. Gardening Club and Big Garden Bird Watch.  We also have an annual Science Day. Science is being linked with other subject areas like the oceans in Geography and with writing being a priority of the school last year, we ensured opportunities for high quality science writing was being included in English learning.  All year groups take part in science related trips, and science related visitors, including parents, are invited into school.

Here are some of our Year 2 children identifying and classifying as part of the Gardening club:

Lottie Dolls were re-introduced this year to YR. She encourages children to take part in science experiments or visit science related places. This has helped the children to develop their science vocabulary.

Staff take part in continued professional development for science to support them with their subject knowledge and to develop and extend a range of evidence-based strategies to challenge and support the learning needs of all children. Staff completed courses on Reach Out CPD, an online resource.