Religious Education: Celebrating our Diversity

Religious Education: Celebrating our Diversity

At Burlington we are very proud of our diverse community. This Spring term we will be looking at religious festivals such as Lohri/Pongal, Lailat al Miraj, Lunar New Year, Tu b' Shevat, Holi, St Patrick's Day, Eid, Vaisakhi, Easter.

We know that many families will be celebrating a variety of different religious festivals throughout the Spring Term. We would love the children to share their news and personal experiences with their class. This could be anything from artefacts such as special story books, photos, special clothes, a piece of music/food and some helpful written notes of information about the artefacts/festival. Remember: photos and videos can also be uploaded to share via Tapestry of which I can then share in my special festival assemblies.

If you’re a parent and you would like to volunteer to come into school to talk to your child's class about any upcoming festivals, we would love to hear from you. Please let your class teacher know.

Don’t forget: Lunar New Year Celebration morning is on Friday 31st January 8.50- 9.30am. Pop into your child's class for some fun craft activities. We look forward to seeing you then.

Miss Braithwaite