Road Crossing Safety

Road Crossing Safety

Please can we urge parents again to use the designated pedestrian crossings on Burlington Road. We have now had quite a few concerns reported to us of parents crossing with their children directly opposite the Curry’s car park. This is not safe.
School drop offs and pick-ups are some of the busiest times for road traffic - you may think you are crossing carefully but it takes only a second for a car or bus to quickly approach or for a child to loosen their grip from a parent’s hand. Is it worth saving the couple of extra minutes it may take to walk down to the pedestrian crossing? On average, six children are killed or seriously injured on UK roads every day – that’s equivalent to a whole class of children every single week. Let’s all do our bit to try and make sure this never happens in our community.
Please help us by supervising your child closely on roads, using designated pedestrian crossings and continuing to teach road safety. We cannot stress enough how important it is that children learn from an early age how to cross a road safely. One day in the near future, they will be going to and from school on their own and we all want to be confident in the knowledge that our children are road safety aware. Children learn from our example so let us all make sure we are setting a good one.