Road Safety - letter from our Head Teacher

Road Safety - letter from our Head Teacher

We have sent out regular requests to parents to park more responsibly and to show more awareness of other road users and residents. Before and after school are very busy times of the day and once again we implore all parents to take more care when dropping off and collecting children. Please can we remind parents when crossing Burlington Road to use the crossing provided. Burlington Road is very busy and you are risking your children’s lives by running across the road without using the crossing.
I also have many parents and staff sharing their concerns about the dangers caused by irresponsible parking and I spoke to another very concerned parent last week.  Irresponsible driving and unsafe parking is a risk to our children’s safety!
Please do consider others when parking, and refrain from parking across residents’ driveways or on the zig zag lines. Maybe even set off with more time to park further away from school. Walk with your children after collection and discuss their day, enjoy the positive time, a brief walk to the car can offer.

With your help and support, we can ensure the children of Burlington and fellow road users enjoy the right to a safe journey, both to and from school every day.
Thank you
Mrs Yay-Walker