Today was our annual Science Day. We loved seeing the children dressed as scientists and wearing science themed tops, and it was great to see our staff taking part too! Thank you to all the parents who joined us this morning to take part in different science activities including a STEM investigation to discover the strongest shape. A special thank you to all the parents who shared their science related jobs and hobbies.
This year the children from Nursery to Y6 took part in a whole school science experiment called Rocket Mice. The children in Nursery and Reception investigated which container would shoot the mouse the highest and KS1 investigated which material (mouse) would travel the furthest. The children developed their science vocabulary and made simple predictions. They also learnt how to make the test fair. In Y2, the children recorded their results on a block graph. In the afternoon, classes across the Infant and Junior schools buddied up to compare their results.

Thank you for all the lovely feedback about the day!
I really enjoyed this morning. I was amazed by how much the children knew about science!
The hands on experiments were fun and particularly useful in providing examples of how to do this at home. It doesn't have to be complicated or messy which has always put us off in the past.
Great activities, very interactive and lovely to see the children so engaged!