Switch Off Fortnight

Switch Off Fortnight

The children in Year 1 and 2 have been learning about what took place during COP 26. They were encouraged to think about what they could do as individuals to help the planet. They each wrote a personal pledge on a leaf. They were very reflective and did a great job. 

The leaves contributed to The Forest of Promises created by children from many other schools across the world.

A recurring theme within the pledges was turning off lights when not needed and conserving electricity. For this reason, we will be taking part in 'Switch Off Fortnight'. 

We are asking you to support your child in switching off electrical appliances when they are not in use. This includes those appliances that can be switched off at the mains rather than being left on in the standby mode. The adults and children will also be doing this in school. In school, we will be focusing on the financial cost and the cost to the planet of wasting electricity and gas. Thank you in advance for your support.