Year 1 - 1st half of Summer term

Year 1 - 1st half of Summer term

This half term we learnt about bears.  They are such interesting animals and are found in every continent, except Africa.  We learnt about polar bears, panda bears and spectacled bears.   We looked at how bears are similar and different to each other and found out what they eat. Bears are omnivores which means they eat meat and plants.  We thought about other animals and what they ate too.  

In English, we used Paddington Bear to inspire much of our learning but we were particularly proud of our poetry writing.  We read the famous poem: At the Zoo, by William Makepeace Thackery.  We loved the poem and used it to help us write our own, but we called it At the Bear Zoo.  We really tried hard to use ‘powerful’ verbs to describe what the bears at the zoo might be doing.  

We compared Peru to England and found out that the capital city is called Lima and they have different animals such as alpacas.  We found both countries in an atlas and learnt that Peru is in South America whereas England is in Europe.  We looked at images from both countries and decided which country they came from.  

In Maths, we developed our understanding of counting in groups and how to solve multiplication and division problems.  We investigated how we could make arrays for different numbers by arranging equal rows and columns.  We also practised learning to double numbers and find half of a number.   

Over the half term, we were also able to do a range of art activities, such as creating sculptures inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.  We went outside to collect natural resources.  We worked as a team to think about the size and colour of the things we found and placed them in patterns.  When we learnt about Peru, we found out that they produce colourful fabric using wool.  We made our own woven artwork using bright colours.