Year 2 - 2nd half of Spring term

Year 2 - 2nd half of Spring term

It was great to welcome the children back into their classrooms on Monday 8th March and they were excited to realise that they had entered Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory and were going to help him by taking part in a ‘Taste Test’. 

After choosing their ingredients the children did a fantastic job of writing persuasive adverts for their sweet invention.

To help persuade the Oompa Loompas to move to Brazil, the children researched the physical and human features of the country and compared them to London.  They produced excellent posters and wrote many facts and comparative sentences to persuade the Oompa Loompas.

To complete our learning in English this half term, the children have written an acrostic poem about one of the topics we have covered this year.  The children could choose from habitats, chocolate, The Great Fire of London, Florence Nightingale and minibeasts and we have been very impressed by what they have remembered.  The children are growing in confidence when reciting their poems and we are very proud of them all.

In maths we recapped our knowledge of place value and used this to complete addition number sentences.  We then applied this skill to solving chocolate themed word problems.  We also learnt how to use a thermometer, ruler and a measuring jug and know what we use each to measure and their unit of measurement. 

In PSHE we have been discovering some new snacks that are good for our bodies.  Awesome Avocado proved very popular!  The children also enjoyed the fruity scone, the veggie dips and tasting a variety of fruits including pomegranate and mango.

As part of our science ‘materials’ topic we have been exploring the different states of matter; the ways they typically behave and how they can change state from solid, to liquid, to gas and in some cases, back again.  We looked at how to change a solid chocolate button into liquid chocolate by applying heat from our hands.  The children then predicted what would happen when we put the liquid chocolate into the freezer.  The children were also posed the question ‘Can visitors to the Wonka’s Chocolate Factory walk across the chocolate river (otherwise known as cornflour and water!)?’  The children predicted, observed and tested what happened when they poked, stroked, patted and squeezed the ‘liquid’.

Other highlights this half term have been our Oompa Loompa dances which we choreographed in PE and using Scratch in our Computing lessons. 

We enjoyed wearing our own clothes on Red Nose Day.  Thank you for your generous donations.

Thank you again for your continued support.  We hope you all have a lovely relaxing Easter break and we will see you back at school on Tuesday 20th April.