Autumn 1 ‘Marvellous me’
The children all settled into their new classes fantastically. We spent a lot of time getting to know the children through our topic ‘Marvellous Me.’ The children loved creating their self-portraits and talking about their Marvellous Me bags. It was a brilliant first half-term topic where we found out lots of information about each other.
During this first half term we also celebrated Harvest. The children all enjoyed bringing in food to give to the foodbank, we are very thankful to all who contributed. The whole of Reception attended our first assembly as a whole year group with Mrs.Yay Walker. She talked to the children about why we celebrate this special time of year.
To celebrate ‘Black History Month’ every class had a workshop with the fabulous ‘Earth Song’.
We enjoyed celebrating Diwali on the last day of the half term by inviting parents into class. We completed lots of different activities. Thank you to everyone who attended.