Year Two

Welcome to the Year 2 webpage. We will use this page to keep you informed about events and learning in Year 2!

  • Year 2 Leavers 2024

    date posted: 21/07/24

    Year 2 children had a special visit today from the ice cream van as an extra special treat before they leave us to move up to the junior school. A huge thank you to the PTA who kindly funded it. 

    We are really going to miss our lovely year 2 children and we will be giving them a proper send off next week in their assemblies. What a truly wonderful bunch of children, we wish them so much luck in their new classes at the junior school where we know they will continue to thrive. The junior school are very lucky to have them! 

    We look forward to welcoming Year 2 parents to the leavers assemblies on Monday & Tuesday. Please see timings below for your class. 

    Monday 22nd July
    Saturn - 9.10am
    Jupiter - 2.00pm 

    Tuesday 23rd July
    Venus - 9.10am 
    Mercury - 2.00pm 

  • Farewell to Miss Dixon

    date posted: 20/07/24

    We would like to say farewell to lovely Miss Dixon who will be leaving us at the end of this term. Miss Dixon will be relocating and teaching at a new school in September. Miss Dixon has been teaching in year 2 since she joined us and has been a wonderful addition to our Burlington Family. We are going to miss her so much but we wish her every bit of luck and happiness at her new school, they will be very lucky to have her! 

  • Year 2 Summer Update

    date posted: 15/07/24

    This half term began with our annual WWF week.  Each class wrote a letter to the rest of the children in the school to persuade them to vote for their chosen endangered animal. We were so pleased with our copper mile, which was so long, and have used the money to support the sea turtles.

    We have been learning about plants in Science and we are really proud of the bean plants that we have grown.  We investigated if a bean would grow with no water, no soil and no sun. It was exciting to see what had happened to our test plants - particularly the one that had been growing inside a dark cupboard. We learnt the names of the trees in our school grounds and had fun using a ruler to measure the length of different leaves.

    We were very lucky to have a visitor from INSIGHT who taught us why Christians believe we should care for others and the world, and why it matters.

    Healthy Living Week was a huge success!  We took part in lots of fun activities such as dance with Don Rae and the Big Breakfast.  It was great to see so many parents at our Year 2 Sports Day, thank you to all who were able to join us.  We had fun taking part in the different races and cheered loudly for our friends! In class we tasted, evaluated, made and finally designed our own healthy dip.  Each Y2 class made salsa and improved their skills of chopping using the bridge hold.

    We have taken part in many transition activities with the Juniors.  Our Year 3 teacher and Mr Blow has been over to meet us in our classrooms and we have spent time in our Year 3 classroom.   We have read with the Y3 children and talked about what we will learn in Y3. The children in Y5 planned a fun sports day for us.  We were able to ask them all our questions about the Junior School and what to expect when we start in September.  It turns out it’s not at all scary and there’s lots of things to look forward to!

    We are looking forward to finishing off the term with our pretend Holiday Day to Italy, Y2 Burlington’s Got Talent, our trip to the park and our Leavers’ Assembly. We can’t wait!

    Thank you for all your support this year.  We will miss the Year 2 children lots and wish them all the best as they continue their learning journey.  Good luck!

  • Year 2 visit to the Hindu temple

    date posted: 01/07/24

    Last week year 2 children had an exciting visit to the Shree Ganapathy Hindu temple in Wimbledon. We travelled by train and the children did a great job of walking to the station in New Malden and from Wimbledon station to the temple. We arrived at the temple in time to see the end of the puja ceremony performed by the priest. The children sat and watched as offerings of flowers, fruit, incense and candle light were made to the different deities in the temple. Once puja had been completed, we were able to walk around the temple and look at the different deities and how they had been blessed. After a quick drink and snack, we had a short discussion with one of the temple staff. We learned the importance of engaging the five senses in Hindu puja and the children were able to share how they had seen this done.

  • Year 2 Choir at the Rose Theatre

    date posted: 24/06/24

    Our Year 2 choir performed in the Kingston Music Service Primary Singing festival on Wednesday at the Rose Theatre. The children performed a wonderful rendition of The Bare Necessities from the Jungle Book. They sang with such passion and enthusiasm, all while remembering the actions and some really tricky lyrics! The choir also performed 3 other songs together with the other schools who were taking part. One of the songs was actually composed by our choir children with the help of James Redwood, a composer and music leader who came into school earlier in the term to work with the children. James was so impressed with the ideas that the children came up with and was blown away by their song writing skills! We are so proud of the children, they sang beautifully and really were one of the standout performances on the day. We would also like say a huge thank you to Mrs Williamson, our music teacher and choir leader who has put so much effort into the choir this year, leading the children in some amazing performances and encouraging their love of music. 

  • Year 2 instruction writing - and an experiment you can try at home!

    date posted: 23/06/24

    Year 2 this week have been revisiting their learning about instruction writing. They carried out an exciting, explosive experiment using mentos and diet coke. They have written some instructions so you can recreate this experiment at home!

  • Year 2 Leavers T-shirts!

    date posted: 17/06/24

    In our KS1 assembly on Monday, Mrs Yay-Walker introduced the importance of saying goodbye and that in September Year 1 children will move into Year 2 and Year 2 children will move into Year 3 at the junior school. We will be saying goodbye to Year 2 children in July. She shared lots of photos to celebrate the fun times we have all had!
    As a leaving gift every year the Year 2 children are given a special leavers t-shirt. This year they have been kindly bought by the PTA.

    The children can now wear their special t-shirts on their PE Days, Mufti Days and during Healthy Living Week! We are really enjoying seeing the children wearing them!

  • Maths Fluency Test for Y2 - PLEASE READ

    date posted: 04/06/24

    Dear Year 2 Parents/Carers, 

    Please find attached a letter from Ms Ellis, our Maths leader, regarding fluency tests the children will be completing this term and how you can help them at home. 

    Year 2 Maths Fluency Test Summer 2

    Thank you and best wishes 

    Burlington Infant & Nursery School

  • Year 2 Summer 2 Term Newsletter

    date posted: 04/06/24

    Dear Year 2 Parents,

    Please find attached the year 2 newsletter for the second half of the summer term. 

    Year 2 Summer 2 Term Newsletter

    Thank you and best wishes,  

    Year 2 Team

  • Year 2 Summer 1 Update

    date posted: 29/05/24

    On the Friday of the first week back it was our annual Maths Day.  Thank you to everyone who joined us in class to take part in maths games. After reading ‘Jim and the Beanstalk’ by Raymond Biggs, the children used their problem solving skills to solve a problem involving the giant and 20 gold coins.  It was a challenging problem that required the children to be resilient and use their problem solving skills of trial and error to find a solution.  Later the children were challenged to compare the giant’s measurements with their own using both standard and non-standard units of measurements.  They worked out a creative solution to measuring non-linear body parts using string and a ruler.

    Our key text for this half term was ‘Hummingbird’’ by Nicola Davies.  The children developed their reading skills of prediction and inference.  Recreating scenes from the book helped the children to write a diary entry in role of one of the characters and write a letter to Granny.

    Year 2 have been on a tour of the United Kingdom and been learning the capital cities and surrounding seas of the four countries. They also learnt about physical and human features of each country. 

    The Year 2 children have been learning about Judaism and sacred places.  During Task Time the children sorted objects and pictures by the building (Mosque, Church or Synagogue) they belonged in.

    In science the children have been learning about the human life cycle and the main changes as young animals, including humans, grow into adults.  Each class was fascinated watching in their classrooms the metamorphosis of the butterfly life cycle.  

    In PSHE the children have been learning about families, keeping safe, friends and conflict, secrets and trust and appreciation.  

    Our last week of term was full of fun and celebration as we took part in our annual Around the World Week.  All the children took part in a workshop from Earthsong and Don Rae, made and tasted a traditional dish, explored artwork and learnt lots of facts about their country.  Saturn class learnt about Australia, Venus class about Spain, Mercury class about Greece and Jupiter class learnt about South Africa. 

    Thank you again to all our parents for all their support.  It has been a busy term with lots of learning!  We can not believe that next half term is our final one with our amazing Year 2 children!   We hope all our families have a relaxing, sunny, happy holiday!

  • Year 2 Engineering Challenge

    date posted: 29/04/24

    Last half term the year 2 children took part in an engineering challenge - to design and make a vehicle from a shoe box. Two children from each year 2 class had the opportunity to attend a Primary Engineer Construction Celebration Event in London to speak to engineers and test the vehicles they had made down a ramp. Our children were competing against pupils from other schools. Gabriel and Kitty were the overall design winners and Lingrong and Zelda won best vehicle for distance and for communication. It was a fantastic opportunity for the children. We are excited that we will continue working with the engineers this term too to take part in another project!

  • Year 2 Summer 1 Term Newsletter

    date posted: 15/04/24

    Dear Year 2 Parents 

    Please find attached the Year 2 newsletter for the first half of the Summer term.

    Year 2 Summer 1 Term Newsletter

    Thank you and best wishes, 

    Year 2 Team

  • Year 2 Spring 2 Update

    date posted: 26/03/24

    We have had another exciting and busy half term! 

    We had a fabulous first week back celebrating our love of reading during ‘Book Week’.  This year our key text was ‘Luna and the Sky Dragon’ by Bethan Woollvin. The children in Year 2 enjoyed learning about different star constellations and writing to persuade others to join Luna’s love of stargazing. The children took part in many activities including reading with children from the junior school and taking part in a bedtime story.  At the end of the week we finished with our annual ‘Dress Up Day’.  The children all looked amazing in their costumes and the staff got involved too!

    Our key text for this half term was another book written by Bethan Woollvin called ‘Hansel and Gretel’.  The children took on the role of Hansel and Gretel to write a letter to their friend to persuade them to visit good witch Willow’s house.

    In maths we recapped our knowledge of place value and used this to complete addition and subtraction number sentences using a range of strategies.  We then applied this skill to solving word problems.  We also learnt how to use a thermometer, ruler and a measuring jug. We have also worked very hard to be able to read and make times on a clock.

    The children researched the physical and human features of south east Brazil and continued to develop their persuasive writing skills by writing a brochure to encourage people to visit Rio de Janeiro. 

    In PSHE we have been discovering some new snacks that are good for our bodies.  Awesome Avocado proved very popular!  The children also enjoyed the fruity scone, the veggie dips and tasting a variety of fruits including pineapples and mangoes.

    In Science we have been sorting objects we found outside into living, has never lived and once living and explaining why. We have also recapped our learning about food chains.  We took part in an exciting STEM project building a vehicle from a shoe box to help us learn about wheels and axles.

    Our Computing learning this half term has been about data information.  The children entered data onto their chromebook and created pictograms and block diagrams.  

    Our focus this half term in art has been painting.   We learnt about local artist Richard Rowan and recreated one of our favourite paintings using watercolours.

    In PE we have been focussing on gymnastics, invasion games and target games. We have been gaining confidence at balancing, rolling and creating sequences on equipment.

    Thank you again for your continued support, we really appreciate it. It was great to have so many of you join us on Reading Morning. We enjoyed wearing our own clothes on Red Nose Day and thank you for your generous donations.  We were also impressed by your creativity for the Easter Egg competition and for Book Week Dress Up Day!

    We hope you all have a lovely relaxing half term and we will see you back at school on Monday 15th April.

  • Year 2 Spring 2 Term Newsletter

    date posted: 20/02/24

    Dear Year 2 Parents, 

    Please find attached the Year 2 newsletter for the second half of the Spring term.

    Year 2 Spring 2 Term Newsletter

    Thank you and best wishes, Year 2 Team

  • Year 2 Spring 1 Update

    date posted: 14/02/24

    It has been another busy, fun filled time in Year 2!

    We all love reading and we have really enjoyed the book Ada Twist, Scientist!  We wrote a character description about her and then we all brought in our favourite book characters and wrote a character description about them.  

    In Maths we continued to learn about multiplication and division.  We also enjoyed learning about fractions of a shape and of a number,  and all about 2D and 3D shapes.

    In Science we have been finding out about and describing the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air) and describing the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.  We took part in a bread/germ experiment and egg/teeth experiment.  These helped us to learn about the importance of washing our hands and looking after our teeth.  

    During our History lessons we have been learning about two important nurses who helped to look after soldiers during the Crimean War, called Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. As part of our DT learning we made beds and used the blanket stitch to make covers for hospital beds for the soldiers.  We manipulated clay to make medals for the nurses. 

    This term we are learning about Judaism.  This half term we learnt the Jewish Creation story and special objects such as the mezuzah and the menorah.

    In computing we were learning about robot algorithms and designed, created, and tested a mat for a floor robot.  We also took part in Internet Safety Day. We must ask if we are allowed to go on the internet, we must keep our personal details safe, we must be kind and if we see anything that makes us have the ‘uh oh’ feeling, we must tell an adult.

    The children were visited by the police, and learnt who the police are and how they can help in the community/school, for example by being secret superheroes by carrying out litter pickings, and telling an adult if they see anything unusual.  We also took part in a workshop with Earth Song to learn about Chinese New Year.

    We are excited about next half term which begins with our annual Book Week!  Thank you for all your support. We hope you all have a lovely week off!

  • Author Visit

    date posted: 15/01/24

    This week KS1 had a visit from author Zanna Davidson who writes the ‘Izzy Inventor’ series of books. Zanna told us all about the inventions developed by children including earmuffs, trampolines and ice lollies. The children helped Zanna read from one of her books before they helped her make slime. Finally the children asked some great questions about how long she had been an author and how her books were illustrated.  

    For those who have bought Zanna's books, here are some extra tips: 

    To make slime, buy contact lens solution that contains boric acid (like Renu or Bausch & Lomb)
    Add shaving foam to make it fluffier, and glitter too
    To make water balloons last longer – cover the paper with a wax crayon first

    If you did not order the books but would still like to purchase copies, please contact Michelle Dalby @My Bookbug. Sales of Zanna's books have already raised £360 for the school to spend on new Usborne books!

    07887 853877

  • Year 2 Spring 1 Term Newsletter

    date posted: 09/01/24

    Dear Year 2 Parents, 

    Please find attached the Year 2 newsletter for the first half of the Spring term.

    Year 2 Spring 1 Term Newsletter

    Thank you and best wishes, Year 2 Team

  • Year 1 and Year 2 Optional Science Homework

    date posted: 13/11/23

    A big well done to all the children who gave the science homework a go! We hope you enjoyed doing the experiments and thank you to parents for the lovely photos! If you would like to still have a go at the homework, click on the links below. 

    Year 1 Optional Science Homework

    Year 2 Optional Science Homework

    Have fun!  
    Mrs MacMillan

  • Year 2 Autumn 2 Term Newsletter

    date posted: 31/10/23

    Dear Year 2 Parents, 

    Please find attached the Year 2 newsletter for the second half of the Autumn term.

    Year 2 Autumn 2 Term Newsletter

    Thank you and best wishes, Year 2 Team

  • Hyde Park - public planting day

    date posted: 23/10/23

    Hyde Park will be holding a public planting day on Saturday 11th November. Year 2 children have been learning all about bulbs and they have planted their own in water so they can see how the roots grow. If you are interested in getting involved with some hands-on planting at one of the most well known parks in London, have a look at the Royal Parks website here for more information. Please send us photos for our Science Selfie section! 

  • Year 2 Autumn 1 update

    date posted: 19/10/23

    What an exciting half term it has been!  

    In maths the children have been working hard to consolidate their place value knowledge. They have used this knowledge to compare numbers, add and subtract, and have been showing their thinking in different ways!

    The Y2 children have had the opportunity to write for a range of purposes this half term. After reading the stories ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and ‘One Day on our Blue Planet: In the Antarctic’, they wrote their own story about a Rainbow Penguin.  The children felt proud reading their stories to their Y1 teachers. They wrote instructions for making Bird Pudding (to feed the birds during winter around our school site) and also wrote a poem called Animal Voices. We are very pleased to see the children’s sentence construction improving and their handwriting becoming neater! 

    Following our trip to the Wetland Centre the Y2 classes designed their own Bug Hotels using materials that would attract minibeasts. The children took part in sawing and hammering activities to help them to create the Bug Hotels.  The children evaluated their work and thought about how they could make them even better next time.

    In art the children have been developing their skill of colour mixing, tinting and shading.  The children created fantastic habitat silhouette paintings and explored how colour changes when adding white and black. The children learned about the artist Alma Thomas and enjoyed discussing her work.

    The children have been learning about computer systems and networks, and using IT safely. We used our ‘Staying Safe Online’ agreement to help us. The children have been practising logging on and off the chromebooks and using j2e to make a presentation.

    Mrs Williamson, our fantastic music teacher, has helped each Y2 class to create a composition about sounds that we hear in the home, after they had listened to ‘’No place like it’ by Kerry Andrews.  The children had to think about the steady beat throughout the composition and used texture (layering of sounds) in their class composition.

    Thank you to all the parents for their continued support.  We hope everyone has a relaxing holiday!

  • Year 2's DT Day

    date posted: 17/10/23

    As part of Year 2's DT Day this week, the children used skills such as chopping and grating to make 'bird pud' to feed hungry birds during the winter.

    The children then wrote instructions to share with our families so that you can make it at home!

  • Y2 Maths Fluency Test - PLEASE READ

    date posted: 26/09/23

    Please find attached a letter from Ms Ellis, our Maths leader regarding fluency tests the Year 2 children will be completing and how you can help them at home. 

    Year 2 Maths Fluency Test

  • Year 2 Autumn 1 Term Newsletter

    date posted: 11/09/23

    Dear Year 2 Parents 

    Please find attached the Year 2 newsletter for the first half of the Autumn term.

    Year 2 Autumn 1 Term Newsletter

    Thank you and best wishes, Year 2 Team

  • Welcome to Year 2 presentation

    date posted: 08/09/23

    Thank you to everyone who attended this morning's presentation for Year 2 parents. We hope you found it useful. If you were unable to attend, please click below to see a copy of the presentation:

    Welcome to Year 2 presentation to parents 

    Also, here are a copy of the handouts.

    Welcome to Year 2 presentation handouts