Year One

Welcome to the Year 1 webpage. We will use this page to keep you informed about events and learning in Year 1!

  • SAVE THE DATE: Welcome to Year 1 or Year 2 - Friday 6 September

    date posted: 15/07/24

    Welcome to Year 1 - Save the Date! - New to Year 1 Parent Talk

    Friday 6th September

    2.50pm Infant Hall

    Find out all about Y1, including the topics your child will learn and how you can help at home. We look forward to meeting you! We will not be inviting parents into year 1 classes after the talk.

    Welcome to Year 2 - Save the Date! - New to Year 2 Parent Talk and Visit to your Child’s Classroom

    Friday 6th September

    9am Infant Hall

    Find out all about Y2, including the topics your child will learn and how you can help at home with maths, reading and writing.  Afterwards you can visit your child in their new classroom!  We look forward to meeting you!

  • Swimming Gala

    date posted: 24/06/24

    On Wednesday, 10 of our Year 1 children took part in the annual swimming gala at Coombe Hill Infants. All the children tried really hard across a number of races, including relays, noodle races and more. We all had a great time and couldn’t have asked for nicer weather! Well done to the Year 1 children for representing Burlington!

  • Maths Fluency Test for Y1 - PLEASE READ

    date posted: 04/06/24

    Dear Year 1 Parents/Carers, 

    Please find attached a letter from Ms Ellis, our Maths leader regarding fluency tests the children will be completing this term and how you can help them at home. 

    Year 1 Maths Fluency Test Summer 1

    Thank you and best wishes 

    Burlington Infant & Nursery School

  • Year 1 Summer 2 Term Newsletter

    date posted: 04/06/24

    Dear Year 1 Parents,

    Please find attached the year 1 newsletter for the second half of the summer term. 

    Year 1 Summer 2 Term Newsletter

    Thank you and best wishes,

    Year 1 Team

  • Year 1 Summer 1 Update

    date posted: 02/06/24

    This half term we learnt about bears. They are such interesting animals and are found in every continent, except Africa. We learnt about polar bears, panda bears and spectacled bears. We looked at how bears are similar and different to each other and found out what they eat. Bears are omnivores which means they eat meat and plants. We thought about other animals and what they ate too.

    In English we used Paddington Bear to inspire much of our learning. We learnt all about Paddington Bear’s character and pretended to be him by writing diary entries and letters to his Aunt Lucy. We also learnt how much Paddington Bear loved Marmalade sandwiches! Because of this, we learnt how to make our own sandwiches and wrote instructions. We even tried hard to use bossy verbs. 

    In maths we developed our understanding of counting in groups and how to solve practical multiplication and division problems. We investigated how we could make arrays for different numbers by arranging equal rows and columns. We also practised learning to double numbers and find half of a number.  

    We also had a lot of fun on Maths Day where we started off by playing maths games during MANGO but then focused our learning on the Jim and the Beanstalk. In this story there is a lot of measuring and this inspired us in our learning. We measured our bodies and compared our measurements with the giant. We then went on a measuring treasure hunt in the playground. In the afternoon we went to visit different classes for a range of maths activities. 

  • Year 1 Summer 1 Term Newsletter

    date posted: 15/04/24

    Dear Year 1 Parents, 

    Please find attached the Year 1 newsletter for the first half of the Summer term.

    Year 1 Summer 1 Term Newsletter

    Thank you and best wishes, Year 1 Team

  • Year 1 Spring 2 Update

    date posted: 22/03/24

    We kicked off our new Pirate and Explorers topic with a treasure hunt around the school. We followed a series of clues which led us all around the school, until finally we ended up back at the classroom and found the treasure!

    This term we read The Great Explorer, an exciting story of a boy called Tom that rescues his dad in the North Pole!  We did some excellent writing all about Tom, from writing messages in a bottle to retelling his story in our own words.  Aswell as that, we wrote a holiday brochure persuading people to go to the North Pole (Brrrr!!) and finally, we learnt about the most terrifying pirate of all… Blackbeard!

    This half term we celebrated Book Week, with a whole school focus on Lunar and the Sky Dragon.  It was a really interesting book but it also taught us a bit more about space.  We had great fun dressing up in pyjamas and famous book characters.

    In Geography we have been learning about human and physical features and maps. We started by looking at different features and building models before heading on a local area walk, which included Beverley Park and other local features. While on the walk we identified our location on a map and when we returned we drew our own maps showing the route that we had taken.

    We have become materials experts over the last few weeks! We began with a classroom hunt to identify which objects used which materials, after that we  looked at the properties of the different materials. Working scientifically, we classified and grouped different materials and compared them to say how they were the same and different.  After all that hard work we became materials experts and we decided to carry out an eggs-periment… Looking at a variety of materials, we predicted which one would best protect an egg when dropped from a height. I think a lot of us were quite surprised by the results.

    In maths we continued to learn about numbers up to 50.  We started off by looking at one more and one less with numbers up to 50. We compared numbers using the correct vocabulary, greater than, less than, and equal to. Over the half term we also completed several problem solving activities, using different skills to help us find the answer. 

    We also learnt how to measure length and height, using both standard and non standard units of measure and kept working hard on developing our mental strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems.

    Finally the school was lucky enough to enjoy a performance of The gruffalo.  It was great fun to watch and join in with the retelling of the classic children’s story.  After the performance all the children got the chance to participate in a drama workshop and pretend to be different animals from the book. 

  • Maths Fluency Test - PLEASE READ

    date posted: 22/02/24

    Dear Year 1 Parents/Carers, 

    Please find attached a letter from Ms Ellis, our Maths leader regarding fluency tests the children will be completing this term and how you can help them at home. 

    Year 1 Maths Fluency Test Spring 2 - letter to parents 

    Thank you and best wishes,

    Burlington Infant & Nursery School

  • Year 1 Spring 2 Term Newsletter

    date posted: 20/02/24

    Dear Year 1 Parents, 

    Please find attached the Year 1 newsletter for the second half of the Spring term.

    Year 1 Spring 2 Term Newsletter

    Thank you and best wishes, Year 1 Team

  • Year 1 Spring 1 Update

    date posted: 15/02/24

    What a busy half term!  We have done so much in the last few weeks it is hard to remember everything we have done!  Firstly, we started our new topic by having a surprise encounter with a UFO and a little baby alien.  The children were so excited to discover a little alien in the playground and receive a letter from his dad.  The children enjoyed writing to the alien and helped return him back to his family. 

    In English we have really enjoyed reading Beegu.  We used our reading skills to predict and sequence events.  This lovely book also inspired us to write our own version of the story and a newspaper report. 

    In maths we have focussed on developing our understanding of addition and subtraction when working with numbers up to 20.  In our learning we developed our fluency and looked at different strategies that would help us find the answers.  We also spent time looking at how numbers above 10 can be partitioned into tens and ones.  We used a variety of models to help us make sure we had a really good understanding. 

    Year 1 have also been busy learning all about Space. We learnt about the planets and the Solar System. In addition to this, we learnt more about the history of flight and about the famous people who played an integral part in this, such as the Wright Brothers, Neil Armstrong and Mae Jemmison.

    Year 1 have learning all about the Lunar New Year. We were very lucky to be visited by Earth Song, who showed us a variety of different instruments and dances. The children also made chinese lanterns, and moving dragons.

  • Author Visit

    date posted: 15/01/24

    This week KS1 had a visit from author Zanna Davidson who writes the ‘Izzy Inventor’ series of books. Zanna told us all about the inventions developed by children including earmuffs, trampolines and ice lollies. The children helped Zanna read from one of her books before they helped her make slime. Finally the children asked some great questions about how long she had been an author and how her books were illustrated.  

    For those who have bought Zanna's books, here are some extra tips: 

    To make slime, buy contact lens solution that contains boric acid (like Renu or Bausch & Lomb)
    Add shaving foam to make it fluffier, and glitter too
    To make water balloons last longer – cover the paper with a wax crayon first

    If you did not order the books but would still like to purchase copies, please contact Michelle Dalby @My Bookbug. Sales of Zanna's books have already raised £360 for the school to spend on new Usborne books!

    07887 853877

  • Year 1 Spring 1 Term Newsletter

    date posted: 09/01/24

    Dear Year 1 Parents, 

    Please find attached the Year 1 newsletter for the first half of the Spring term.

    Year 1 Spring 1 Term Newsletter

    Thank you and best wishes, Year 1 Team

  • Year 1 Autumn 2 update

    date posted: 15/12/23

    We have really enjoyed learning about Toys this half term.  We read the story Traction Man and linked this to different areas of our learning.  We wrote our own Traction Man stories such as: Traction Man saves Salt Pot Stan from the boiling soup.  We also enjoyed making a stocking for Traction Man.  We designed our stocking and then had to use our sewing and cutting skills to create it.  We all felt very proud of our hard work!

    We even made vehicles for Traction Man.  We remembered our woodwork skills we learnt in Reception. 

    In our Toy topic, we looked at the history of toys and used our history skills to order toys from oldest to newest.  I think we all agreed we are lucky that we have the toys we do today that we can play with.  We linked our learning about toys to Geography.  We learnt that there are different games played around the world and we got the chance to create different images using Tangram shapes and we played an African board game. 

    In Science, we learnt about materials.  First we learnt the different types of materials we have and then thought about how we could describe them.  Finally, we used our knowledge to investigate which material would be best for a reindeer’s coat.  We decided it should be waterproof.  We tested different materials until we found the best one. 

    In Maths, we have been using our knowledge of addition and subtraction to find fact families and find the missing part from a part part whole model.  We have also learned the names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes and have been comparing them.

    This half term we learnt about Diwali - The Festival Of Lights. We were visited by Earth Song who told us the story of Diwali. The children acted out the story together through movement and dance.

    In History, we learnt about Remembrance Day. We talked about why people wear poppies at this time and what they symbolise. The children created poppy artwork and showed it in a whole school assembly.

  • Year 1 and Year 2 Optional Science Homework

    date posted: 13/11/23

    A big well done to all the children who gave the science homework a go! We hope you enjoyed doing the experiments and thank you to parents for the lovely photos! If you would like to still have a go at the homework, click on the links below. 

    Year 1 Optional Science Homework

    Year 2 Optional Science Homework

    Have fun!  
    Mrs MacMillan

  • Year 1 Autumn 2 Term Newsletter

    date posted: 31/10/23

    Dear Year 1 Parents, 

    Please find attached the Year 1 newsletter for the second half of the Autumn term.

    Year 1 Autumn 2 Term Newsletter

    Thank you and best wishes, Year 1 Team

  • Year 1 Autumn 1 update

    date posted: 19/10/23

    We have had a fantastic start to the year, enjoying our topic Paws, Claws, Whiskers and Wings! We started the year with a safari in the Orchard, hunting for different animals and noting down what we found. We read several different books linked to the topic, including Croc and Bird, Tad, The Tiger Who Came To Tea, and many more. Unfortunately one of the owl babies went missing, but we helped find him by creating missing posters! This half term we became bird experts, learning lots of new facts, going bird watching and creating our very own non-fiction bird books. We even turned ourselves into birds and took flight in the playground! We also learnt about reptiles and fish, creating ‘guess the reptile’ quizzes, and fish collages with accurate labels.

    Near the end of the half term we had lots of different visitors in the classes as it was our Pets in School Week. We saw  cats and different dogs.  We were very sensible, making sure to be very gentle with the animals and asking lots of interesting questions. Thank you to any of the parents who came in with their pets!

    In science we learnt about the human body and different types of animals. We discussed the different body parts and linked them to the five senses. We took part in a senses walk in the playground, where we identified what we could see, smell, touch, and hear. We also learnt that there are many different types of animals and learnt how mammals have fur or hair and produce milk for their young.

    We finished the half term by being lucky enough to take part in an Anansi the Spider workshop.  The children heard the famous traditional tale and helped our visiting story teller tell the story. 

  • Year 1 Autumn 1 Term Newsletter

    date posted: 11/09/23

    Dear Year 1 Parents 

    Please find attached the Year 1 newsletter for the first half of the Autumn term.

    Year 1 Autumn 1 Term Newsletter

    Thank you and best wishes, Year 1 Team