Year One

Welcome to the Year 1 webpage. We will use this page to keep you informed about events and learning in Year 1!

  • Scientist visit: Dr Sheila Kanani

    date posted: 03/02/25

    Every half term the children in KS1 learn about a Scientist. This half term, the children have been learning about Dr Sheila Kanani.  We were very lucky that Dr Sheila Kanani visited us on Thursday. She told the children all about her job and answered their questions about space. She was very impressed by their space models, writing and their knowledge about the planets. To read more about her, please click on this link

  • Y1 Maths Workshop - Friday 14 February

    date posted: 03/02/25

  • Year 1 Spring 1 Term Newsletter

    date posted: 08/01/25

    Dear Year 1 Parents, 

    Please find attached the Year 1 newsletter for the first half of the Spring term. 

    Year 1 Spring 1 2025 Term Newsletter

    Thank you and best wishes, Year 1 Team

  • Year 1 Autumn 2 Update

    date posted: 18/12/24

    We have really enjoyed learning about Toys this half term.  We read the story Traction Man and linked this to different areas of our learning.  We wrote our own Traction Man stories such as: Traction man saves Salt Pot Stan from the Boiling Soup.  We also enjoyed making a stocking for Traction man.  We designed our stocking and then had to use our sewing and cutting skills to create it.  We all felt very proud of our hard work!

    We even made vehicles for Traction Man.  We remembered our woodwork skills we learnt in Reception.  

    In our Toy topic we looked at the history of toys and used our history skills to order toys from oldest to newest.  I think we all agreed we are lucky that we have the toys we do today that we can play with.  We linked our learning about toys to Geography.  We learnt that there are different games played around the world and we got the chance to create different images using Tangram shapes.

    In Science, we learnt about materials.  First we learnt the different types of materials we have and then thought about how we could describe them.  Finally, we used our knowledge to investigate which material would be best for a reindeer’s coat.  We decided it should be waterproof.  We tested different materials until we found the best one.  

    In Maths, we have been using our knowledge of addition and subtraction to find fact families and find the missing part from a part part whole model.  We have also learned the names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes and have been comparing them.


    This half term we learnt about Diwali - The Festival Of Lights. We were visited by Earth Song who told us the story of Diwali. The children acted out the story together through movement and dance.

    In History, we learnt about Remembrance Day. We talked about why people wear poppies at this time and what they symbolise. The children created poppy artwork and showed it in a whole school assembly.

  • Year 1 Autumn 2 Term Newsletter

    date posted: 06/11/24

    Dear Year 1 Parents, 

    Please find attached the Year 1 newsletter for the second half of the autumn term. 

    Year 1 Autumn 2 2024 Term Newsletter

    Thank you and best wishes, Year 1 Team

  • Maths Fluency Test for Y1 - PLEASE READ

    date posted: 22/10/24

    Dear Year 1 Parents/Carers, 

    Please find attached a letter from Ms Ellis, our Maths leader regarding fluency tests the children will be completing this term and how you can help them at home. 

    Year 1 Maths fluency test letter Autumn 2024

    Thank you and best wishes, Burlington Infant & Nursery School

  • Year 1 Autumn 1 update

    date posted: 22/10/24

    We have had a fantastic start to the year, enjoying our topic Paws, Claws, Whiskers and Wings! We started the year with a safari in the Orchard, hunting for different animals and noting down what we found. We read several different books linked to the topic, including Croc and Bird, Tad, The Tiger Who Came To Tea, and many more. Unfortunately one of the owl babies went missing, but we helped find him by creating missing posters! This half term we became bird experts, learning lots of new facts, going bird watching and creating our very own non-fiction bird books. We even turned ourselves into birds and took flight in the playground! We also learnt about reptiles and fish, creating ‘guess the reptile’ quizzes, and fish collages with accurate labels.

    Near the end of the half term we had lots of different visitors in the classes as it was our Pets in School Week. We met lots of pets including friendly dogs, a cute tortoise and a fluffy guinea pig.  We were very sensible, making sure to be very gentle with the animals and asking lots of interesting questions. Thank you to any of the parents who came in with their pets!

    In science we learnt about the human body and different types of animals. We discussed the different body parts and linked them to the five senses. We took part in a senses walk in the playground, where we identified what we could see, smell, touch, and hear. We also learnt that there are many different types of animals and learnt how mammals have fur or hair and produce milk for their young.

    We finished the half term by being lucky enough to take part in an Earth song workshop that helped us to understand and learn about many of the different instruments there are around the world.#

  • Welcome to Year 1 presentation

    date posted: 09/09/24

    Thank you to all the Year 1 parents who attended the talk on Friday morning. We hope you found it useful. If you were unable to attend, please click below to see a copy of the presentation.

    Welcome to Year 1 presentation for parents - September 2024

    If you would like a copy of the handouts which were given in the meeting, please speak with your class teacher.

  • Year 1 Autumn 1 Term Newsletter

    date posted: 05/09/24

    Dear Year 1 Parents 

    Please find attached the Year 1 newsletter for the first half of the autumn term. 

    Year 1 Autumn 1 2024 Term Newsletter

    Thank you and best wishes, Year 1 Team