
Welcome to the Nursery webpage. We will use this page to keep you informed about events and learning in Nursery!

  • Nursery Newsletter July 2024

    date posted: 21/07/24

    Summer 2 half term learning

    We started the half term with a great week learning about turtles for WWF week.  Other highlights were our trip to Pets At Home and Sports Day. We have learnt a lot about growing plants and our tomatoes and strawberries are turning red! Our key texts have taught us so much about crocodiles and the life cycles of frogs and butterflies. Finally the children had a great experience handling animals from our Amazing Animal World. We now have a Nursery full of animal experts! 

    The children are well prepared for moving on and have enjoyed meeting their new teachers. We will be very sad to see them go, especially the children who are moving to new schools. Please keep in touch! 

    Over the summer our top tip would be to read, read, read, read and read. Join the Library summer reading challenge and borrow lots of books. This will help your child learn vocabulary and develop a deep love of reading which will help them in all areas of life. 

    We are emailing you a list of suggestions of things you can do with your child over the summer. We hope you find them helpful.

    Finally, we would like to thank you all for your support over the year. We have all very much enjoyed caring for your children. We will never forget them. 

    Have a great summer break. The Nursery Team

  • Fun and Educational Summer Activities for Nursery children

    date posted: 21/07/24

    Mrs Davies has put together a great list of fun and educational activities that you can do with your child over the summer holidays.

    Fun and Educational Summer Activities for Nursery children


  • Tennis in Nursery

    date posted: 21/07/24

    Today Faith’s Dad Mr Bramwell came to teach Blue Nursery tennis! We met Billy ball and had a great time doing warm up exercises and then having a go at tennis skills. Thank you for coming and well done children! 

  • Nursery Tapestry Download

    date posted: 11/07/24

    Dear Parents, 

    Please find attached information and instructions on how to download your child's Tapestry learning journey.

    Nursery Tapestry download letter for parents 2024

    Thank you and best wishes, 

    Burlington Infant & Nursery School

  • Pre-School Immunisations

    date posted: 30/06/24

    Please click here to read a letter from the UK Health Agency regarding your child's pre-school immunisations. 

  • Nursery Newsletter May 2024

    date posted: 29/05/24

    Summer 1 half term learning

    We started the half term with a very exciting MANGO and Maths Day and have had a real focus on maths over the half term. Thank you very much for sending in the seedlings to plant, our Nursery garden looks wonderful with the strawberries about to ripen, the tomatoes flowering and the other vegetables growing happily! The children have learnt about gardens through the book, Errol’s Garden and our visit to B&Q. The bulbs you sent in the Autumn have also flowered over the term, with an array of daffodils, tulips, irises and alliums. The children have been very excited to see them pop up, grow and flower!

    A Mouse Called Julien’ has been by far the favourite key text we have covered so far! The children are now experts on woodland animals and were relieved when Julien survived being gobbled by the fox! The books helped us learn about friendship, which has also been our PSHE focus for the term.

    Two further highlights of our term next week will be learning about India in Around the World week and the multicultural picnic. 

    Overview of next half term

    Next term our topic is Amazing Animals. We will be going on a school trip to Pets At Home in New Malden to look at the rabbits, mice, reptiles and fish and learn about how to look after pets. Please see the dates below - we need as many parent helpers as possible please as we will be walking there and back. We also have a visit from ‘Our Amazing Animal World’ when the children will be able to handle a range of different animals. Our key texts are all about Crocodiles and Frogs! The first week back is WWF week where we focus on helping endangered animals - the sea turtle is our chosen one! We will also be able to carry on looking after and then pick and eat the fruit and vegetables we have been growing. There is ‘Healthy Living Week’  when we have sports day and other exciting activities. We will continue with learning phonics, maths and writing to prepare the children for Reception. Finally, we will be helping the children get ready for the transition into Reception by talking about it and using the text, ‘Brave Bear’ to talk about what we feel like when we do something new. Children staying with us for Reception will have visits from their new teachers and also go to their new classrooms. If your child is leaving us please let us know if you need to attend any visits. 

    The 2 year olds will have a similar programme of learning but will not join in with Pets At Home or Sports Day as they do their own little one in the Nursery playground.

    Dates for your Diary 

    Tuesday 4 June - First day back after half term

    Tuesday 4 June to Friday 7 June - World Wildlife Fund week

       Thursday 6 June - Copper Mile: Please bring in spare coins

    School Trips to Pets at Home

       Thursday 20 June @ 9am - Green class

       Thursday 20 June @ 1pm - Yellow class

       Friday 21 June @ 9am - Blue class

    Friday 21 June - PTA Mufti Day: Children can wear their own non-uniform clothes and bring in a new or nearly new toy for the summer fair tombola. 

    Monday 24 June to Friday 28 June - Healthy Living Week

       Tuesday 25 June - Big Breakfast: Your child will only need a light breakfast or lunch that day - we serve them cereal, fruit and bread at Nursery.

       Wednesday 26 June - Sports Day: Parents welcome (see timings below)

          8.30 - 9.15am: Green class.  Please come straight to Junior school field at 8.30am.  Older siblings will be collected by teachers from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to save you dropping them off.

          2.30 - 3.15pm: Yellow & Blue classes.

    Various dates in July - Nursery children who are staying on at Burlington for Reception to visit their new Reception classes on Tuesday 2 July, Wednesday 3 July and Monday 8 July.

    Friday 5 July - Reports go home: If you have any questions about them or comments, please let us know.

    Friday 5 July - PTA Mufti Day: Children can wear their own non-uniform clothes and bring homemade or shop bought cakes for the summer fair cake stall.

    Saturday 6 July - Summer Fair

    Thursday 11 July: Blue class closes at 1.45pm.  No Yellow or Purple Nursery.

    Thursday 18 July - Visit from 'Our Amazing Animal World' to Nursery: You will receive a letter about this soon.

    Monday 22 July - End of Nursery Party: We will put a sign up to bring party food nearer the time.

    Wednesday 24 July - End of term: Blue class closes at 1.45pm.  No Yellow or Purple Nursery.

    Further Information

    Please ensure your child is wearing sensible shoes for the Summer i.e closed in shoes/sandals, NO open toed shoes. This is to prevent injuries to your child’s feet. 
    Please ensure your child has sunscreen on before they come and bring a named bottle with them if they are in Blue Nursery. 
    Please send in a change of clothes for your child as they will be having lots of fun with water.
    Please send in a named water bottle.
    Please ensure your child wears a sunhat.
    Look out for the weekly Nursery updates on Tapestry. Essential information for the week ahead for you and your child. 
    Contact us if you have any questions on Tapestry or at the door - we are here to help!

    Thank you as always for all your support.  Have a good break.  The Nursery Team

  • Nursery Newsletter March 2024

    date posted: 25/03/24

    Spring 2 half term learning

    We started the half term with a very exciting Book Week, learning about ‘Space’, wearing pyjamas for a bedtime story and dressing up as book characters. The children also had fun buddy reading with Year 3 classes from the Junior school!  Our topic this past half term was ‘Eggtastic’! Our first key text ‘Handa’s Hen’ was very popular and many of the children now know it by heart! We loved learning to find Africa on a world map and about the different animals. It has also helped us become very good at recognising the numbers 1 to 10 and matching the right number of objects to the numeral. The children have been fascinated by our second text, ‘Chickens Aren’t The Only Ones’ learning about the different creatures that lay eggs (oviparous) including dinosaurs, birds, amphibians and reptiles.  Celebrating Holi, Eid, Mothers day and Easter have been highlights of the term but the most exciting event was our chicks. We watched the chicks hatch out of eggs and have been able to care for and handle them! It has been great for the children to see the bulbs you kindly sent in last October flower into beautiful snowdrops, hyacinths, tulips and daffodils! In PSHE we learnt all about keeping healthy by eating and sleeping well as well as doing exercise. Thank you for sending in the fruit for the fruit kebabs, it was so exciting to touch, smell and taste such a wonderful variety! Finally thank you for coming to our Rhyme Time concerts, we were very proud of how enthusiastically the children sang. We hope you liked the Mother’s day cards (in the style of Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama ) the children made at Nursery and are impressed that they are trying to write their own names. We had a fun final week of term making chocolate nests and the Easter Egg competition!

    Overview of next half term

    Our topic is ‘Plantastic’’. The table above gives you an overview of the learning and activities we will be focussing on in the 3 year old Nursery. The 2yos will focus on a simplified version of this plan. 

    Our focus is growing fruit and vegetables, and we have a special ‘bring a plant to school week’ when we ask you send in vegetable or fruit seedlings such as strawberries, tomatoes, peppers,  beans, peas, broccoli, kale, etc. for the children to care for and watch grow at school.

    Dates for your Diary 

    Tuesday 16 April - National Offer Day for Reception places: You will receive an email from the council after 5pm on this day

    Friday 19 April - Maths and MANGO day: For Mums, Aunties, Nans, Grannies and other female relatives, please come and join us from 8.30-9.30 am or 12.30 to 1.30pm.

    Monday 22 April: Bring fruit / vegetable seedling to school this week

    Friday 26 April, 8.30-9.30am or 12.30-1.30pm: Share a book with your child.  All parents welcome.

    Monday 6 May - Bank Holiday: Nursery closed.

    Thursday 9 and Friday 10 May - Nursery trip to B&Q: Please let us know if you can come and help.

    w/c 20 May - Aroung the World Week: We pick a country to learn about. Please let us know if you are interested in helping with this.

    Firday 24 May - Multicultural Picnic: Details to follow.

    Friday 24 May - End of half term

    Further Information

    Please ensure your child is wearing sensible shoes for the Summer i.e closed in shoes/sandals, NO open toed shoes. This is to prevent injuries to your child’s feet. 
    Please send in a change of clothes for your child as they will be having lots of fun with water.
    Thank you for writing a note in the Reading record and returning the book bag every Friday. It is lovely to see your comments about how much you enjoy reading together at home.
    If you are encouraging your child to learn to write, please help them use lowercase letters rather than capitals with the exception of the first letter in their name. Please always say the sounds rather than the letter names and say them correctly. Follow this guide on how to say them…
    Thank you for naming all items of clothing, bottles and bags and choosing clothes that your child can run and climb in, and you don’t mind getting messy in the mud kitchen or when painting
    Check Tapestry regularly for updates and send us photos and videos of what you have been up to at home.
    Look out for the weekly Nursery updates on Tapestry. Essential information for the week ahead for you and your child. 
    Contact us if you have any questions on Tapestry or at the door - we are here to help!

    Thank you as always for all your support.  Have a good Spring break.  The Nursery Team

  • Chicks hatch in Nursery!

    date posted: 25/03/24

    Exciting news in Nursery! On Wednesday we watched 9 chicks hatch! We have been watching them grow and taking care of them. Next week when they are a bit bigger we will be able to hold them!

  • PSHE in Nursery - Healthy Eating

    date posted: 11/03/24

    Nursery children have been very busy this week finding out about healthy eating as part of their PSHE learning. A HUGE thank you to nursery parents who donated all the above fruit so that the children could look at the colours, shapes and textures of lots of different fruit as well as smelling them. The children recognised lots of the fruit from the book Handa's Surprise which they have been reading together. Afterwards the children got to make their own kebabs and taste all the yummy fruit. 

  • Nursery Newsletter February 2024

    date posted: 15/02/24

    Spring 1 half term learning

    Our topic this past half term was ‘Marvellous Making’ and the children enjoyed making all sorts of things! Making music and tapping out rhythms along to our key text ‘Tanka Tanka Skunk’ was great fun. We made binoculars from junk, we made gingerbread men, made Chinese crafts, made bird food for the Big Garden Birdwatch and made towers from construction. We learnt how to paint and have all the children’s wonderful pictures hanging in our Nursery gallery. Thank you to the parents who came in to help us celebrate Chinese New Year. It is great to have so many parents sharing their culture with us. We all enjoyed the Chinese workshop with Earthsong, playing the drums and watching the dancing lion! Our big focus in maths has been counting. Thank you for coming to the Phonics and early writing parent workshop in January. If you could not come please take a moment to look at the slides on the website. We have been learning the phonemes s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d,g and o and using the Little Wandle Rhymes to learn phonemic skills such as alliteration, rhyming, syllables and recognising sounds around us. Please remember you can practise the rhymes at home on this link.

    This term we also completed an obstacle course, have been observing the weather every day and watching the bulbs we planted start to come through as Spring arrives. Science Day and the Parent Reading sessions were huge successes and it was great that you could join us for all the activities. Finally, thank you for joining us for the Parent Consultations, it was good to talk to you all about how much progress your child has made so far.

    Overview of next half term

    Our topic is ‘Eggtastic’’. The table above gives you an overview of the learning and activities we will be focussing on in the 3 year old Nursery. The 2yos will focus on a simplified version of this plan.  Term begins on Tuesday 20th February with an action packed ‘Book Week’. Please remember to send your child in wearing pyjamas on the Tuesday and dressing up as a book character on the Friday. The highlight this half term will definitely be on when 10 eggs arrive in an incubator and hatch into chicks in our Nursery. One of our key texts is  ‘Chicken’s Aren’t the Only Ones’, our first information text where we learn about all the different animals that lay eggs. Our other text is ‘Handa’s Hen’ which is set in Africa and helps us learn about the map of the world, different animalsE

    and counting. In maths we are focussing on counting, comparing quantities, shapes and subitising. In Phonics we will introduce the next set of phonemes (c,k,ck, e, u, r & h), In Science we are investigating ice, wind and the signs of Spring.  In art and DT we will be making Mothers’s Day cards, Easter art and cards, musical instruments and improving our painting skills.

    Rhyme Time Challenge

    Our Rhyme Time Challenge concerts are on Friday 15th March. Thank you for helping us practise the songs at home.

    Dates for your Diary 

    Tuesday 20 February - Start of term

    Tuesday 20 February - Friday 23 February - Book Week: Please see information below and on the Newsletter.

    Tuesday 20 February - children (and staff) to wear Pyjamas for the whole session for a bedtime story!
    Friday 23 February - Dress up as a book character
    Don’t forget to do the sponsored read to help buy new books for our school.

    Sunday 10 March - Mother’s Day: We will be making cards in the Nursery.

    Friday 15 March - Rhyme Time Challenge concerts: Parents are welcome to join us -

    Blue and Green 9am
    Blue and Yellow 2.50 pm

    Monday 18 March - Eggs arrive in an incubator ready to hatch: Look out for videos and photos on Tapestry!

    Wednesday 27 March - Easter Egg Competition: please see newsletter for further information.

    Thursday 28 March - End of Term

    11.30am for Green and Orange
    1.45pm for Blue
    No Yellow or Purple Nursery that day, sorry


    Sunday 17 March - St Patrick’s Day: If any Irish parents would like to come and share the celebration with us please let us know.

    Wednesday 25 March - Holi Colour festival: If you celebrate Holi at home and would like to come and join in and talk to the children please let us know. If you celebrate any other festival or National day in this half term please let us know.

    Further Information

    Busythings - you have all been given information and your individual login for LGFL Busythings. It is a brilliant resource full of interactive activities specifically chosen for Nursery age children, including art, phonics, maths and science. It’s also a great way for your child to learn computer skills.
    Thank you for writing a note in the Reading record and returning the book bag every Friday. It is lovely to see your comments about how much you enjoy reading together at home.
    If you are encouraging your child to learn to write, please help them use lowercase letters rather than capitals with the exception of the first letter in their name. Please always say the sounds rather than the letter names and say them correctly. Use the parent pages of the Little Wandle website to help your child learn rhymes and say the sounds correctly.
    Thank you for naming all items of clothing, bottles and bags and choosing clothes that your child can run and climb in, and you don’t mind getting messy in the mud kitchen or when painting.
    Check Tapestry regularly for updates and send us photos and videos of what you have been up to at home!
    Remember to talk to your child about what they have done or will be doing in Nursery - it helps the learning stick!
    Look out for the weekly Nursery updates on Tapestry. Essential information for the week ahead for you and your child.
    Contact us if you have any questions on Tapestry or at the door - we are here to help!

    Thank you as always for all your support. Have a good half term break The Nursery Team


  • Nursery Newsletter December 2023

    date posted: 14/12/23

    Autumn 2 half term learning

    Our topic this past half term was ‘Journeys’ and the children enjoyed learning what a journey is through books and out and about sessions. Our two key texts, ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ were very popular and lots of the children now know both books off by heart! The children have started to learn and use lots of new vocabulary for geographical features such as hills, rivers, fields, caves, sea and have been introduced to maps. Learning all about and playing with farm animals has been very popular too. In phonics we have started the new Little Wandle Foundations scheme for Nursery and introduced the sounds s,a,t,p,i and n and focussed on learning to write our names.  The children have been introduced to one number every week, we have been practising counting, understanding ‘same and different’ and learning the names of basic 2D shapes.

    We have also been learning all about the seasons and the signs of Autumn and winter. We noticed the colours of the leaves change then fall off the trees on our out and about walks. Thank you for bringing in bulbs. We have planted them in our Forest School and we cannot wait to see them grow into beautiful flowers in the Spring.  Art was also our focus to help us learn about Bonfire night and Remembrance Day as we painted fireworks and poppies as well as making clay ladybirds. Thank you to the parents who came in to help us celebrate multi-cultural day and the different festivals including Christmas, Hanukkah and Diwali.  Finally, we have been celebrating Christmas by singing, making cards and crafts and learning about how Christians celebrate it as well as practising the songs for the Christmas concerts.

    Overview of next half term

    Term begins on 9th anuary. Our topic is ‘Marvellous Making’. The table above gives you an overview of the learning and activities we will be focussing on in the 3 year old Nursery. The 2yos will focus on a simplified version of this plan.  We will be making music, making dens, making a picnic, making Chinese arts and crafts and making wintery art! In addition to this all children have a Music session with Mrs Williamson every week, an Out and About session, maths, circle time and phonics session. Our phonics focus is to continue with learning the phonemes with the Little Wandle scheme. We also have story time every day and learn songs, rhymes and dances every week. The children learn a new Makaton sign each week, a number of the week and we will focus on counting and understanding number. The children of course have the opportunity to do Forest School once a week and choose their own learning and play inside and outside throughout the term.

    Rhyme Time Challenge

    Next term we also start our Rhyme Time Challenge! This is when we send home a weekly Nursery rhyme for the children to learn with their families! We also practise it in Nursery but it would be great to see videos and pictures of you singing it at home on Tapestry! At the end of term there will be a concert in the Nursery before the Easter holidays.

    Dates for your Diary 

    Tuesday 9 January - Start of term

    Friday 12 January - Science Day: Come and join us at 8.30-9.30am and 12.30-1.30pm for an hour to do some fun Science acitvities with your child

    Friday 12 January - Nursery Phonics Workshop for Parents: Come and find out about our NEW Little Wandle Scheme adn learn how to help your child with early reading and writing skills.  9.30-10.15am and 1.30-2.15pm.

    Thursday 18 January - Whole School photographs

    Friday 26 January - Reading with parents: Please come in and read with your child.  8.30-9am and 12.30-1pm.

    Wednesday 7 February and Thursday 8 February, from 4pm - Nursery Parent Consultations

    Friday 9 February - Chinese New Year celebrations: If you would like to come and help us celebrate or do an activity with the children then please do let us know.

    Friday 9 February - End of term

    Important Information

    Please remember:

    To read the book your child brings home with them, write a note in the Reading record and return the book bag every Friday. 
    Thank you for encouraging your child to learn to write their name. Please help them use lowercase letters rather than capitals with the exception of the first letter in their name.
    Don’t forget to look out for book recommendations from the SPARK book awards in the School Newsletter.
    We go outside in all weathers, even Forest School on Tuesdays so please ensure your child has warm clothes and a warm waterproof coat as well as suitable boots or shoes. Trousers, tracksuit bottoms and leggings are best for Nursery as children can climb, run and go to the toilet by themselves much more easily than in dresses and skirts and tights.
    Check Tapestry regularly for updates and send us photos and videos of what you have been up to over the holiday. 
    Talk to your child about what they have done or will be doing in Nursery. 
    Look out for the weekly Rhyme Time Challenge!
    Look out for the weekly Nursery updates on Tapestry. Essential information for the week ahead for you and your child. 
    Contact us if you have any questions on Tapestry or at the door - we are here to help!

    Thank you as always for all your support.  Have a lovely Christmas holiday break!

    The Nursery Team


  • Nursery Newsletter October 2023

    date posted: 19/10/23

    Autumn 1 half term learning

    Thank you for welcoming us into your homes in July and September! It has been wonderful to get to know you and your children over the half term. We are delighted with how quickly and how well they have settled in.  We have had so much fun this half term exploring, learning and making friends inside and outside. Our topic has been ‘our families’ and the children have loved talking about their family pictures. We have also been enjoying traditional tales such as Goldilocks, The Three Little Pigs and Jack and the Beanstalk. The children had fun joining in with the Black History Storytelling workshops and making our celebration tree look amazing. It has been fantastic to get Forest School started and see the children exploring nature. Thank you for all the donations of logs, leaves, conkers etc.  Finally, the Nursery is looking wonderfully green inside and outside because of the plants you donated. Thank you very much!

    Overview of next half term

    Term begins on Monday 30th October and ends on Friday 21st December. Our topic is ‘Journeys’.  Every Friday we send you a summary of what is coming up in the week ahead in Nursery. It is very beneficial and helpful if you take a little time with your child to talk about it to help them learn vocabulary and get them excited about what they will be learning. Below is a summary of the learning in Green, Yellow and Blue Nursery.

    Dates for your Diary

    Tuesday 31st October - Multi Cultural Day: please come and celebrate with us.  See note on Tapestry.

    Friday 10th November - Diwali celebration: please let us know if you would like to come in and help us celebrate Diwali.

    Week commencing 13th November - Bring a bulb to school: we would be very grateful if you could bring a bulb or a packet of bulbs to school on the week of the 13th November. The children will plant them and watch them grow next Spring. B&Q or Wilko have a good selection.

    Friday 17th November - Children in Need: wear something spotty to Nursery and bring a donation for Children in Need

    Friday 24th November - Parent Reading session: please come and share a book with your child for half an hour at 8.30am or 12.30pm

    Friday 8th December - Christmas celebration: please let us know if you would like to come in and help us learn about and celebrate the Christmas

    Friday 8th December - PTA Mufti Day: please bring in homemade or shop bought cakes for the scake stall at the Christmas Fair

    Friday 8th December - PTA Christmas Fair 4-7pm

    Friday 15th December - Hanukkah celebration: please let us know if you would like to come in and help us learn about and celebrate Hanukkah

    Monday 18th December - Nursery Christmas Party Day: the children can come in wearing party clothes that day. We will let you know nearer the time what we would like you to contribute.

    Tuesday 19th December - Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch: your child can wear a  Christmas jumper. Blue Nursery will have Christmas lunch (all the Nursery staff eat with them on this day)

    Wednesday 20th December - Christmas Concert: Blue, Green and Orange Nurseries at 9am and Blue, Yellow and Purple Nurseries at 2.30pm.  You are all welcome to join us.

    Important Information

    Please read the book your child brings home with them, write a note in the Reading record and return the book bag every Friday. We are very impressed with how well this is going and how much the children are enjoying the books at home.
    We go outside in all weathers so please ensure your child has warm clothes and a warm waterproof coat as well as suitable boots or shoes, especially on a Tuesday for Forest School. Trousers, tracksuit bottoms and leggings are best for Nursery as children can climb, run and go to the toilet by themselves much more easily than in dresses and skirts and tights.
    Check Tapestry regularly for updates and send us photos and videos of what you have been up to at home!
    Read the ‘Next week in Nursery’ post every weekend and talk to your child about what they have done or will be doing in Nursery. 
    Contact us if you have any questions on Tapestry or at the door - we are here to help!
    Please keep donating logs, conkers, acorns, pine cones, sticks etc for Forest School.

    Have a great half term. Thank you as always for all your support.

    The Nursery Team

  • Nursery curriculum talk: presentation from Fri 22 Sept

    date posted: 29/09/23

    Thank you to everyone who attended the Nursery Curriculum talk last Friday 22 September.  For those of you who missed it, please find below a copy of the presentation.

    Nursery Curriculum talk Sept 2023: presentation for parents

  • Measles Update

    date posted: 05/09/23

    Dear Reception and Nursery Parents/Carers, 

    Please find attached a letter from the director of Public Health regarding a rise in cases of measles and information about vaccination. 

    Measles Update Letter September 2023

    Thank you and best wishes 

    Burlington Infant & Nursery School