
At Burlington Infant and Nursery School, we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all children, staff and all those receiving services from the school. We believe that diversity is a strength of our community, which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit here. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which people feel free whether or not to disclose their gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion or belief, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, political belief, economic circumstance or immigration status, and to participate fully in school life. The Equality Act 2010 protects people from discrimination on the basis of these ‘protected characteristics’. Every person has some of the characteristics so the Act protects everyone against unfair treatment.

Equality Information and Policy Statement

AFC Anti-Racist Pledge


Equality Objectives 2023-24

To identify and address gaps across all areas of the curriculum.

All subject leaders to review curriculum content for each topic, ensuring that the curriculum choices represent the diverse community of the school.  
PPG Leader and Year leaders to monitor and track the progress of all PPG children through termly
PPG Pupil Progress meetings with teachers in own year group teams to identify and review support and interventions
Direct early intervention work with parents to be carried out in YN and YR to support children with difficulties in Communication and Language, and Literacy – Rhyme Time, Sunrise Singers, PPG family workshops and targeted Family Learning support
Music focus in the Early Years to support the development of Communication and Language (Listening and Attention)
Same day interventions for identified children following Maths and English lessons
Access to music tuition for PPG children - lunch time recorder club 
1 to 1 Beanstalk readers for PPG and Lower Attaining children – additional reading and phonics support
Catch-up interventions to target Phonics, Maths and Writing across KS1 and YR
Additional access to resources for PPG children, e.g. free books, free clubs/trips, uniform assistance
SEN - Edukey to measure and track progress of SEN and Lower Attaining children