Latest News
  • Wishing our families a wonderful festive break

    date posted: 21/12/24

    Wishing all our children and their families a wonderful festive break. We hope the children have lots of fun and a good rest. A huge well done to all the children for their amazing Christmas concerts. They all performed so well and we are so proud of them. 

    We look forward to welcoming you back to school on Tuesday 7th January. 

  • Upcoming Important Dates

    date posted: 21/12/24

    7th - TERM BEGINS
    10th - Science Day
    17th - Reading workshop for Nursery parents 9.00-9.30am & 2.45-3.15pm Infant Hall 
    24th - Introduction to the Mental Health Support Team - Coffee Morning All Welcome 9.00am Infant Hall
    28th - Emeralds and Diamonds class trip to the Science Museum (more details to follow)
    29th - Sapphires and Rubies class trip to the Science Museum (more details to follow)

    12th - Parent Consultations 2-5.30pm SCHOOL CLOSES AT 1.45PM (Nursery open as usual) 
    13th - Parent Consultations 4-7pm 
    14th - Nursery Reading Morning 8.30-9am & 12.30-1pm 
    17th - HALF TERM BREAK
    24th - TERM BEGINS 

  • Reading Tree Challenge

    date posted: 21/12/24

    The Reading Tree Challenge helps to promote reading for pleasure and encourages children to read widely. Like our Inspiration Station, Picture News  and Maths Challenges you will receive a sheet to complete at home to recommend a book. Once completed your child can hand them in to their class teacher. Every month there will be different challenges from fiction, non-fiction, fairy stories and poetry. The winning entries will be awarded in Assembly and win a book with a special certificate for their classroom. Please encourage your child to participate.

    A big thank you and well done to everyone who entered the December challenge!

    Reading of Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Mrs Davies

    Click here to enter the January challenge. 

  • Parent Survey - please complete

    date posted: 21/12/24

    We would be most grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete our parent questionnaire for the Autumn Term. We really appreciate your feedback and would like to know your thoughts so we can continually improve our school. 

    To complete the survey, please click on the link below:

  • Positive Parenting

    date posted: 21/12/24

    The Christmas holiday has begun, it's the time that positive parenting and family rules seem to fly out the window. All I have to say is have fun and enjoy your children. They grow up so quickly, before you know it you will be looking back on their childhood, wishing you could have that time back again. Christmas is a special time when your children will make long lasting memories, let them be ones of fun, laughter and joy.

    May I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!

    And finally, our positive thought of the week:

    Christmas with Family is memory to treasure forever.

    If you have a parenting concern, you can contact Mrs Easty via the school office -

  • Online Toilet Training Session - 13 January

    date posted: 21/12/24

  • Childcare entitlements information session - 20 January

    date posted: 21/12/24

  • Science Selfie Challenge

    date posted: 21/12/24

    If you are taking part in science learning at home, please take a photo and email it to the school. It could be a photo of you trying out an experiment, sharing something that you have created or an interesting find. You could be with an animal, reading a book, feeding the birds, at your allotment or visiting a science museum. Please add comments and quotes from your child explaining what your science selfie is about and what you were learning.

    Please email your science selfie to  We look forward to seeing your Science Selfies!

    Here are some of the Science Selfies we've received!

    Science Selfie Challenge Photos

  • Inspiration Station

    date posted: 20/12/24

    Every week in the book bags, we will be sending home an exciting picture to discuss and share at home which will hopefully inspire your child to write and draw.
    Children can write and draw anything which comes to mind after looking at the picture. Every week in our Learning Assembly, winning entries will be shared with the school and stickers/certificates will be awarded.
    Please encourage your child to participate in this weekly challenge. We hope that the pictures will inspire us all!

    We need your help to create some new Inspiration Station challenges! 

    This week, we are asking the children to create their own Inspiration Station. The best ones will be chosen to be sent out to the whole school to take part in! 

    We look forward to seeing what ideas the children come up with. Please click here for more information. Deadline for entries is Friday 10th January. 

    Inspiration Station Entries 2024-25

  • Voluntary Contribution 2024-25 Update

    date posted: 20/12/24

    Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the school fund, we are well on our way to reaching our target with £8,030 raised so far!

    Our voluntary contribution is £75 per family - if you feel you are able to contribute, this can be paid online via your School Gateway account. There is also an option to pay on a reducing balance with smaller instalments throughout the year. 

    The money we raise from these contributions goes towards enriching experiences for the children such as Earthsong drumming, “Pretend Holiday” days, art workshops, Healthy Living Week Big Breakfast, school trips, multicultural picnic and classroom resources. 

    You can read more about our School Fund by visiting the webpage: 

    School Fund web page

  • Childrens Centre Activities

    date posted: 20/12/24

    Please click here for a programme of activities being held during the spring term at local Children's Centres.

  • Christmas holiday club flyer

    date posted: 20/12/24

  • PTA: Burlington Schools Association - Join Us!

    date posted: 20/12/24

  • DO NOT USE playground equipment...

    date posted: 20/12/24

  • Use of Toilets at Pick-up

    date posted: 20/12/24

    If your child needs to use the toilet after pick-up, please walk back to your classroom door and ask for your child to go back through the classroom to use the toilet. Parents are not allowed in the toilets. This is to safeguard the other children we have on site after school in clubs and at Acorns. 

    Thank you for your cooperation.

  • Easy Fundraising

    date posted: 20/12/24

    Just letting you know that Burlington Infant & Nursery School are now registered with easyfundraising, which means you can raise FREE donations for us every time you shop online.

    Over 7,000 brands will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself! These donations really mount up and make a BIG difference to us, so we’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to sign up and support us.

    It’s completely FREE and only takes a moment. You can find our easyfundraising page here.

    Thank you so much!
    All you need to do is:
    1. Go to the fundraising page by clicking here and join for free.

    2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.

    3. After you’ve checked out, the brand will make a donation to Burlington Infant & Nursery School at no extra cost to you whatsoever!
    There are no catches or hidden charges and we will be really grateful for your donations.
    Thank you for your support.

  • Cashpot for Schools - ASDA rewards

    date posted: 20/12/24

    Parentkind, a charity that supports school PTAs have teamed up with Asda, who is making millions of pounds available to donate to primary schools across the UK through their ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative. To support our school, all you have to do is opt-in through the Asda Rewards app, shop and scan in store or shop online at
    Between 2nd September and 30th November 2024, every time you shop with Asda using your Asda Rewards app, Asda will donate 0.5% of the value of your shop to your chosen school. Also, every time somebody opts-in to support our school, Asda will give an additional £1 to the school Cashpot. Plus, it doesn’t stop there – Asda are also giving £50 to every school to get them started.

    It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3
    1. Download the Asda Rewards app, register and opt-in to Cashpot for Schools (make sure you have the latest version of the app installed)
    2. Choose Burlington Infant & Nursery School by searching the name or postcode
    3. Shop instore across Asda and George, or online at and start filling your Cashpot as you shop
    Asda does the rest, all money raised will be donated to schools to spend on the things they need the most.

    Remember, anyone can sign up, so start spreading the news and raising funds for our school.

  • DO NOT PARK outside school gates

    date posted: 20/12/24

    A reminder to all parents that the yellow zig-zag lines outside our school at both the front and back gates indicate the length of road where stopping or waiting is strictly prohibited. If you park on these clearly marked, yellow zig zag lines you are putting the safety of our children and their families at risk.

    Cars should not be parked on the zig zag lines for any amount of time - even if it is just a minute or two to drop off children.

    Thank you for helping us to keep our school community safe.

  • REMINDER: No Riding Scooters

    date posted: 20/12/24

    Please can we remind parents that children are not allowed to ride scooters on the school premises. Please use the scooter stands provided or carry your child's scooter once inside the school gates. We really appreciate your support.
    Thank you

  • Uniform Reminder

    date posted: 20/12/24

  • School Gateway

    date posted: 20/12/24

    If you have not already downloaded the School Gateway App, please do this immediately. This is our communication and payment system for the school so it is really important that you have activated your account. We will use this system to send emergency text messages and all clubs, trips, Acorns, nursery fees etc can be paid using the app. If you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to ask the school office. 

    How to access School Gateway instructions for new users

  • School Policies

    date posted: 20/12/24
  • Christmas Fair - thank you from BSA

    date posted: 17/12/24

  • Kingston Adult Education: Maths for Parents

    date posted: 17/12/24

  • Maths Challenge November 2024

    date posted: 10/12/24

  • Mince Pie donations please

    date posted: 10/12/24

    We would be grateful for any donations of fruit or mince pies for the upcoming Christmas concerts. These will be served to parents while the children perform in their class Christmas productions. Please bring your donations to the school office. Thank you!

  • Christmas Concerts 2024

    date posted: 10/12/24

    The children are busy rehearsing for their upcoming Christmas concerts. Please see below for performance times. We will be serving mince pies and collecting loose change for St Raphael's Hospice.

    Blue & Green - 11th December 9am
    Blue & Yellow - 11th December 2.45pm 

    Foxes - 13th December 9am
    Squirrels - 13th December 2.30pm 
    Rabbits - 16th December 9am
    Hedgehogs - 16th December 2.30pm 

    Year 1
    Sapphires - 17th December 9.15am
    Emeralds - 17th December 10am
    Rubies - 17th December 11am 
    Diamonds - 17th December 2.30pm

    Year 2 
    Jupiter - 18th December 9.15am
    Saturn - 18th December 10am
    Venus - 18th December 11am
    Mercury - 18th December 2.30pm 

  • Science Day - Friday 10 January 2025

    date posted: 10/12/24

  • Eco Council - November 2024

    date posted: 22/11/24

    The Eco Council children delivered an assembly to all of year 1 and year 2 children. This was to support Cut Your Carbon Month. This is the first time that they have done an assembly and they did an amazing job!

  • How can we protect our planet?

    date posted: 22/11/24

    A big thank you to Hyomin in Jupiter class who drew this fantastic poster which highlights all the things we can do to protect the planet. Even though Hyomin is not an Eco Council member, she took the time to think about all the ways we can help and to make this really informative poster - thank you so much!

  • Multicultural Morning - 14 Novemebr 2024

    date posted: 18/11/24

    A huge thank you to all the parents who came in for our multicultural morning on Thursday and to nursery parents who came in all this week to do activities with the children. We are so proud of our diverse school community and the wonderful experiences the children have had this week. 

  • Ivy Gate Boards - Christmas Fair

    date posted: 18/11/24

    We are really grateful that once again our long time supporter Ivy Gate Estate Agents are sponsoring the Christmas Fair.  Ivy Gate will help to promote the fair by putting their publicity boards in front of up to 50 houses, and for every board, they will donate £10 to the BSA. This is SUCH a quick and easy way to support our fundraising efforts, so if you would be happy to have a board in your front garden for approximately 3 weeks (boards will be put up towards the end of next week) please fill in this form.

  • Stamptastic

    date posted: 17/11/24

  • Cut your Carbon

    date posted: 13/11/24

    Eco Council are working towards getting the Green Flag Award for the school. As part of their work they are encouraging families to decrease their carbon footprint. As November is Cut Your Carbon Month, please support Eco Council in completing these simple actions. 

    Completing these 6 simple actions with family and friends will raise awareness, change behaviours, and Cut Your Carbon - a greenhouse gas responsible for driving climate change.

    So grab a magnet, stick this checklist to your fridge, and take action!

    Make 5 miles of travel ‘active’. Did you know, a petrol car creates around 1kg of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions (or ‘CO2e’) every 5 miles? ‘Active Travel’ - such as walking, scooting, wheeling, or cycling - doesn’t emit anything! So, we’re
    challenging you to make 5 miles of travel active. Whether it’s a single 5-mile trip, or five 1-mile trips... ditch the drive!

    Go plant-based for a day. Meat production is responsible for around 14% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Choose a day to go plant-based and discover how delicious cutting carbon can be! By switching from a meat-based diet to a plant-based diet, for just one day, you can reduce your emissions by nearly 3kg CO2e.

    Turn down the heating by 1° for a week. Heating is the biggest source of carbon emissions in many homes. So pop on a jacket and drop the thermostat by 1°. Completing this challenge could prevent an additional 6kg CO2e!

    Buy nothing new for 1 month. The production of every item that you buy has a carbon footprint. Write a list of every non-essential item that you bought (or was bought for you) last month. Put them into categories - e.g. clothing, toys, or cosmetics - and don’t buy anything from one of these categories for 1 month. If you purchase 1kg less stuff during the month, you can save an average of 6kg CO2e.

    Substitute 4 baths for 4 showers and limit them to 4 minutes. Cleaning and pumping water to our homes creates carbon emissions. So does generating energy to heat it. This means that shorter showers are good for our planet! Limiting 4 showers to 4 minutes will save around 1.5kg of CO2e. We recommend using a 4-minute song as a timer that you can sing-along to!

    Switch off all of your non-essential electrical devices for an hour. Electricity can account for 25% of your home’s carbon footprint. Think about when your family uses the most unnecessary electricity, maybe you’re gaming, or perhaps watching TV? At that time, turn off all non-essentials for 1 hour and do something device-free!

  • Maths Challenge October 2024

    date posted: 13/11/24

  • Science Homework - Autumn 2

    date posted: 12/11/24

    Each half term the KS1 children will be learning about a scientist. Last half term they learnt about Dr Bethan Stagg and this half term they will learn about Milly Hennayake. Milly Hennayake is an engineer who keeps people safe from flooding. Engineers have to think about many, many things when they are designing.

    Milly would like you to design a bridge. When designing bridges, engineers need to choose a strong material that is weather resistant. The materials also need to be shaped in a way that makes them extra strong. In this science activity, the children are going to fold paper differently to make mini bridges and test how much weight each can hold.

    Paper copies of the homework were sent home with the children today or you can click here to view it. This homework is optional but do encourage your child to take part!

  • Learning Council's Rules for Talking

    date posted: 06/11/24

    The learning council children have been very busy thinking of good rules to put in place to help everyone become better at talking and listening. They made this lovely poster to put up around the school. Well done Learning Council!


  • Kingston Adult Education Courses

    date posted: 06/11/24

    As part of Kingston Council, Kingston Adult Education provides a range of courses to people aged 19 or over.  A lot of their courses are free, and take place in school hours.

    They have a number of 6-week courses starting after half term, including:

    Maths for Parents - aimed at parents with children moving into, or already at, secondary school so they can better support schoolwork
    Explore your business potential: a pathway to self employment - a 6-week course to consider how your skills can be used to make a successful business 
    A range of wellbeing courses to teach you how to take better care of your mental health
    French and Italian courses - for those learners with basic or no previous knowledge of these languages.

    Enrolment is also open for a range of qualification courses starting in January, including Bookkeeping; Childcare; Community Interpreting; Counselling; Information, Advice and Guidance; and Understanding Mental Health.

    See their latest prospectus for further details about these courses as well as their wider offering:

    Their classes take place both online and at centres across the Royal Borough of Kingston.

    For further information, please contact Kingston Adult Education directly on 020 8547 6700 or at 

  • Children's Centre Activities

    date posted: 05/11/24

    Please click here for a programme of activities being held during the second half of the autumn term at local Children's Centres.

  • HENRY Healthy Start, Brighter Future

    date posted: 05/11/24

    The HENRY Programme in Kingston helps parents to transform family life for the better in all sorts of ways – including improved nutrition, emotional wellbeing, parenting skills and getting more active.  

     All of their support for families is underpinned by the HENRY approach to supporting behaviour change which helps parents gain the confidence, knowledge and skills they need to help the whole family adopt a healthier, happier lifestyle and to give their children a great start in life.

    Click here to read their October newsletter. 

  • Children's Centre Activities

    date posted: 22/10/24

    Please click here for a programme of activities being held during the half term break at local Children's Centres.

  • Butterfly Group - 5 week course

    date posted: 22/10/24

  • School Council - parking issues

    date posted: 15/10/24

    Our school council children have been so busy this week making posters to go outside the Blagdon Road gate. 

    You will have read recently that we have had an issue with some parents parking across driveways and the zig zag lines outside the gate. School Council wanted to get involved and help spread the message to parents and visitors to the school about parking safely and considerately. 

  • Burlington Art Gallery - ALL ABOUT ME

    date posted: 15/10/24

    The Burlington Art Gallery is open and accepting submissions for display in its prestigious, highly acclaimed ‘Hall of Creativity’!
    This term’s exhibition has the theme 'All About Me' and is open to each artist’s own unique and individual interpretation. We welcome work in all forms of media - paint, drawing, sculpture, collage, digital, printing etc.
    Mrs Drake will be using the artwork submitted by the children to fill a gallery wall in the school. Work will be framed and displayed for all the children to see as they pass by each day.  
    Please ensure that all art work is submitted before half term and that it has the artist’s name and class on the reverse/base of their masterpiece.  Don't forget to inform your child's class teacher that it is for the Burlington Art Gallery! 

  • Donations please

    date posted: 15/10/24

    We are in need of boys pants and socks for ages 4-7. Any donations would be kindly received. Thank you.