Latest News
  • Upcoming Important Dates

    date posted: 21/07/24

    Summer Term Dates

    22nd - YN, YR & Y1 Party Day
    22nd - Saturn Class Leavers Assembly 9.10am
    22nd - Jupiter Class Leavers Assembly 2pm 
    23rd - Venus Class Leavers Assembly 9.10am
    23rd - Mercury Class Leavers Assembly 2pm
    24th - SCHOOL CLOSES AT 1.45PM for the summer break (NO Yellow or Purple nursery)

    Autumn Term Dates


    4th - TERM BEGINS
    6th - Welcome to Year 2 Parent Meeting 9.00-10.00am Infant Hall 
    6th - Welcome to Year 1 Parent Meeting 2.50-3.20pm Infant Hall
    13th - Parent Information Morning - 'Everything you need to know about Burlington' + Esafety talk 9.00-10.15am Infant Hall - All parents welcome 
    13th - PTA AGM 2.00-3.00pm Great Hall 
    20th - Welcome to Nursery Parent Meeting 9.00-10.00am Great Hall 
    20th - Welcome to Nursery Parent Meeting 2.40-3.30pm Infant Hall
    27th - PTA Non-Uniform Day (more details to follow) 

  • Pretend Holidays 2024

    date posted: 21/07/24

    Reception, Y1 and Y2 children have had such a fun week going on their pretend holidays. They have travelled to France, Italy and Australia! It was an absolute joy to see the children totally immersed in this activity and to see their imaginations come alive.

  • Tennis in Nursery

    date posted: 21/07/24

    Today Faith’s Dad Mr Bramwell came to teach Blue Nursery tennis! We met Billy ball and had a great time doing warm up exercises and then having a go at tennis skills. Thank you for coming and well done children! 

  • Year 2 Leavers 2024

    date posted: 21/07/24

    Year 2 children had a special visit today from the ice cream van as an extra special treat before they leave us to move up to the junior school. A huge thank you to the PTA who kindly funded it. 

    We are really going to miss our lovely year 2 children and we will be giving them a proper send off next week in their assemblies. What a truly wonderful bunch of children, we wish them so much luck in their new classes at the junior school where we know they will continue to thrive. The junior school are very lucky to have them! 

    We look forward to welcoming Year 2 parents to the leavers assemblies on Monday & Tuesday. Please see timings below for your class. 

    Monday 22nd July
    Saturn - 9.10am
    Jupiter - 2.00pm 

    Tuesday 23rd July
    Venus - 9.10am 
    Mercury - 2.00pm 

  • Eco Council - July 2024

    date posted: 21/07/24

    Eco Council children have had such a busy year! They have helped with the following:

    Litter picking in school and the local area
    Completing the Great Big Battery Count and delivering a whole school assembly. The final count of batteries was 442!
    Completing the RSPB Big Bird Watch
    Supporting with the WWF Copper Mile and delivering a whole school assembly
    Collecting plants from B&Q, planting out the planters and making sure that the plants are well watered
    Helping Mrs Docwra and Mrs Easty with other Eco tasks that arose

    As a thank you for their efforts, the children had strawberries and ice cream. The strawberries had been grown on plants that Hugo brought into school. Each child also received a certificate so that they could keep it as a memento of the great work that they have done throughout the year.

    Amazing work Eco Council and thank you!

  • Farewell to Miss Dixon

    date posted: 20/07/24

    We would like to say farewell to lovely Miss Dixon who will be leaving us at the end of this term. Miss Dixon will be relocating and teaching at a new school in September. Miss Dixon has been teaching in year 2 since she joined us and has been a wonderful addition to our Burlington Family. We are going to miss her so much but we wish her every bit of luck and happiness at her new school, they will be very lucky to have her! 

  • PTA AGM and Tea: Fri 13 Sept

    date posted: 20/07/24

  • Cool Milk - price increase

    date posted: 20/07/24

    Please click here to read an important update regarding a change in cost to the school milk scheme that Cool Milk provides. If your child is already 5 years old, it is especially relevant as you will be able to take advantage of the current price for the next academic year if you register now. 

  • Science Selfie Challenge

    date posted: 20/07/24

    If you are taking part in science learning at home, please take a photo and email it to the school. It could be a photo of you trying out an experiment, sharing something that you have created or an interesting find. You could be with an animal, reading a book, feeding the birds, at your allotment or visiting a science museum. Please add comments and quotes from your child explaining what your science selfie is about and what you were learning.

    Please email your science selfie to  We look forward to seeing your Science Selfies!

    Here are some of the Science Selfies we've received!

    Science Selfie Challenge Photos

  • Positive Parenting

    date posted: 20/07/24

    Holiday Activities

    Today is all about having fun, I am going to give you some recipes for slime, playdough and coloured spaghetti, children (and adults) can play with these for hours on end, it is calming, therapeutic and very enjoyable.

     - Add 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to 100mls of PVA glue.
     - Add the food colouring of your choice and give it a good stir.
     - Finally, stir in contact lens solution, small amounts at a time, keep stirring and before your eyes, slime will appear.

    If you want clear slime you can use clear PVA, if you want sparkly slime you can add glitter, if you want fluffy slime, try adding shaving cream. One tip is make sure that you are actually using contact lens solution and not saline solution or you will just end up with a gooey mess! 

    This is such an easy recipe and really cheap to make. You will need: 

    1 cup of plain flour
    1 cup of salt
    1 cup of water
    1 tablespoon of oil
    1 teaspoon of cream of tartar (this is a dry powder that can be found in the baking aisle)
    Food colouring of your choice

    Put all the ingredients into a saucepan and stir it all together over a very low heat, if you have the heat high it will not work. As the mixture slowly heats up, you will see it turn into a lump of playdough, tip it out of the pan onto a heat proof surface, when it has cooled down it is ready to use. 

    Coloured Spaghetti
    The children love this one in school, you could use any out of date dried spaghetti or pasta, put it in a pan of water to cook along with food colouring of your choice. Once cooked, pour into a colander and add a tablespoon or two of cheap cooking oil. When cool it is ready to play with. If you are feeling really brave, make 2 - 3 different colours. Give your children a selection of plastic knives, forks, spoons. play tea sets, saucepans etc and let their imagination run wild. This can be quite a messy activity, so don't forget to protect their clothes and the surface they are playing on.

    All of the above can be stored in the fridge and  played with again another day. Good luck, your children will give you 'The Parent of the Year Award' for this!

    Sending best wishes for a fun filled summer and don't forget to post all those slimy messy pictures on Tapestry.

    And finally, our positive thought of the week:

    Childhood memories are the threads of our soul.

    If you have a parenting concern, you can contact Mrs Easty via the school office -

  • Childrens Centre Activities

    date posted: 20/07/24

    Please click here for a programme of activities being held during the summer break at local Children's Centres.

  • Free Girls Football Sessions

    date posted: 20/07/24

  • KMS Percussion Jam sessions

    date posted: 20/07/24

  • KMS Music Lessons at Hook Centre

    date posted: 20/07/24

  • Nourish Newsletter July 2024

    date posted: 19/07/24

    Please click here to read the summer newsletter from our catering provider Nourish. 

  • Nursery Places to start in September 2024

    date posted: 19/07/24

  • Use of Toilets at Pick-up

    date posted: 19/07/24

    If your child needs to use the toilet after pick-up, please walk back to your classroom door and ask for your child to go back through the classroom to use the toilet. Parents are not allowed in the toilets. This is to safeguard the other children we have on site after school in clubs and at Acorns. 

    Thank you for your cooperation.

  • Voluntary Contribution 2023-24 Update

    date posted: 19/07/24

    Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the school fund, we are well on our way to reaching our target with £6,626 raised so far!

    Our voluntary contribution is £50 per family - if you feel you are able to contribute, this can be paid online via your School Gateway account. There is also an option to pay on a reducing balance with smaller instalments throughout the year. 

    The money we raise from these contributions goes towards enriching experiences for the children such as Earthsong, Big Breakfast, Don Rae Music and pretend holidays. This academic year, we have also used the funds to buy new iPads and laptops for the classrooms, cameras for computing and fantastic workshops run by Kiddirama for Black History Month.

    You can read more about our School Fund by visiting the webpage: 

    School Fund web page

  • Easy Fundraising

    date posted: 19/07/24

    Just letting you know that Burlington Infant & Nursery School are now registered with easyfundraising, which means you can raise FREE donations for us every time you shop online.

    Over 7,000 brands will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself! These donations really mount up and make a BIG difference to us, so we’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to sign up and support us.

    It’s completely FREE and only takes a moment. You can find our easyfundraising page here.

    Thank you so much!
    All you need to do is:
    1. Go to the fundraising page by clicking here and join for free.

    2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.

    3. After you’ve checked out, the brand will make a donation to Burlington Infant & Nursery School at no extra cost to you whatsoever!
    There are no catches or hidden charges and we will be really grateful for your donations.
    Thank you for your support.

  • DO NOT PARK outside school gates

    date posted: 19/07/24

    A reminder to all parents that the yellow zig-zag lines outside our school at both the front and back gates indicate the length of road where stopping or waiting is strictly prohibited. If you park on these clearly marked, yellow zig zag lines you are putting the safety of our children and their families at risk.

    Cars should not be parked on the zig zag lines for any amount of time - even if it is just a minute or two to drop off children.

    Thank you for helping us to keep our school community safe.

  • REMINDER: No Riding Scooters

    date posted: 19/07/24

    Please can we remind parents that children are not allowed to ride scooters on the school premises. Please use the scooter stands provided or carry your child's scooter once inside the school gates. We really appreciate your support.
    Thank you

  • Uniform Reminder

    date posted: 19/07/24

  • Stamptastic

    date posted: 19/07/24

  • School Gateway

    date posted: 19/07/24

    If you have not already downloaded the School Gateway App, please do this immediately. This is our communication and payment system for the school so it is really important that you have activated your account. We will use this system to send emergency text messages and all clubs, trips, Acorns, nursery fees etc can be paid using the app. If you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to ask the school office. 

    How to access School Gateway instructions for new users

  • School Policies

    date posted: 19/07/24
  • IQM Flagship Award

    date posted: 15/07/24

    In the autumn term last year, we received the IQM Flagship School Award. This award is in recognition of the amazing inclusion work that all staff including the SEN team do for our children. We recently welcomed one of the IQM assessors, who came in to review the work we are doing. Please have a read of the report we received from this recent review - we are so proud of everything we do here at Burlington and it is lovely to have this acknowledged. 

    IQM Assessor Report - June 2024

  • Meet the Governors - Jennifer Saxby

    date posted: 15/07/24

    Hello! My name is Jennifer Saxby and this was my first academic year as Governor for OPAL, Music, Art and D&T. 

    At the start of this academic year, OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) was introduced to Burlington Infants as a way to create richer play experiences for our children. Our OPAL Team have worked so hard (and fast!) transforming play at Burlington this year. 

    This week, I had the opportunity to visit school during play time and see OPAL in action. It was wonderful to see everyone having fun outside in all areas of our school grounds. Children were enjoying a range of activities – from dressing up and performing on the stage by the Year 2 classrooms to science experiments and bug collection in the Rainbow Garden to constructing fantastic spaceships and houses in the playground and sports in the new MUGA. It was great to see everyone from Reception to Year 2 having fun, but also playing together so nicely.  At the end of the play time, the children did an impressive 5-minute tidy up and then made their way back to their classrooms! 

    When we return to school in September, OPAL will continue to introduce new play opportunities to the children, and we’ll look forward to welcoming you into school to experience play time too. Until then, have a wonderful summer and a BIG thank you to Mrs Leech, Miss Biscoe, Ms Farr and the whole OPAL team for all their hard work bringing OPAL to life in our school.

  • Please stay off playground equipment at drop off and pick up

    date posted: 14/07/24

  • Hampton Wick Royal Cricket Club

    date posted: 14/07/24

  • Absence just before or after school holidays

    date posted: 08/07/24

    As per our Attendance Policy, please note the following as our summer holiday time approaches:
    If your child is off for 3 days or more, for medical or sickness reasons immediately prior or after a school holiday and no evidence is provided, this will be an UNAUTHORISED absence.

  • Summer Reading Challenge 2024: Marvellous Makers

    date posted: 08/07/24

    Your child is invited to sign up for this year’s Summer Reading Challenge.

    What is the Summer Reading Challenge?

    The Summer Reading Challenge encourages children to keep reading during the school summer holidays – and to enjoy reading anything they like! Children aged 4-11 are invited to set a reading goal and collect rewards for their reading. It’s completely FREE to take part. 

    It is an amazing way to boost children’s confidence – last year 72% of children taking part felt more confident reading.

    How can my child take part? (Library OR online)

    IN THE LIBRARY: Visit the New Malden or any other local library and sign up. Your child will:

    ·         Set a reading goal for the summer and borrow and read any books, eBooks and audiobooks.

    ·         Receive a Challenge poster and collect special stickers and rewards for reading.

    ONLINE: Take part online at

    ·         Sign up on the official Challenge website.

    ·         Set a reading goal and get book recommendations and tips.

    ·         Unlock digital badges and online rewards, including a printable certificate.

    There will be a special Assembly in September to celebrate so please bring your certificates into school. 

  • Reading Tree Challenge

    date posted: 08/07/24

    Don't forget to take part in the reading tree challenge! Please encourage your child to participate - click here to see this month's challenge. 

    Thank you Mrs Davies


  • Reading at Burlington Infants!

    date posted: 08/07/24

  • Raise funds for Earth Song

    date posted: 07/07/24

  • KMS Music & Creativity Summer Course

    date posted: 07/07/24

  • New class for September 2024- Current YR & Y1

    date posted: 01/07/24

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    The children had an assembly today where they found out their new class and teachers for September. They were all very excited! 

    Please find attached information regarding your child's new class. If you have any questions, please contact the school office. 

    New Classes for September 2024

    Thank you and best wishes, 

    Burlington Infant & Nursery School

  • Healthy Living Week 2024

    date posted: 01/07/24

    The children have had great fun this week taking part in lots of energetic activities! They have had brilliant dance and fitness sessions with Don Rae, a healthy breakfast, sports day, football sessions with Mr Wilson and ending with a skipping rope workshop today! Well done everybody! 

  • Year 2 visit to the Hindu temple

    date posted: 01/07/24

    Last week year 2 children had an exciting visit to the Shree Ganapathy Hindu temple in Wimbledon. We travelled by train and the children did a great job of walking to the station in New Malden and from Wimbledon station to the temple. We arrived at the temple in time to see the end of the puja ceremony performed by the priest. The children sat and watched as offerings of flowers, fruit, incense and candle light were made to the different deities in the temple. Once puja had been completed, we were able to walk around the temple and look at the different deities and how they had been blessed. After a quick drink and snack, we had a short discussion with one of the temple staff. We learned the importance of engaging the five senses in Hindu puja and the children were able to share how they had seen this done.

  • Spark Book Awards 2024 - School Vote Results

    date posted: 01/07/24

    We hope you enjoyed watching Mrs Davies reading the Spark Book Award Books. Thank your for voting for your favourites. The results for our school are as follows:

    First place

    Second place

    Third place

    Fourth place

  • Pre-School Immunisations

    date posted: 30/06/24

    Please click here to read a letter from the UK Health Agency regarding your child's pre-school immunisations. 

  • Year 2 Choir at the Rose Theatre

    date posted: 24/06/24

    Our Year 2 choir performed in the Kingston Music Service Primary Singing festival on Wednesday at the Rose Theatre. The children performed a wonderful rendition of The Bare Necessities from the Jungle Book. They sang with such passion and enthusiasm, all while remembering the actions and some really tricky lyrics! The choir also performed 3 other songs together with the other schools who were taking part. One of the songs was actually composed by our choir children with the help of James Redwood, a composer and music leader who came into school earlier in the term to work with the children. James was so impressed with the ideas that the children came up with and was blown away by their song writing skills! We are so proud of the children, they sang beautifully and really were one of the standout performances on the day. We would also like say a huge thank you to Mrs Williamson, our music teacher and choir leader who has put so much effort into the choir this year, leading the children in some amazing performances and encouraging their love of music. 

  • Swimming Gala

    date posted: 24/06/24

    On Wednesday, 10 of our Year 1 children took part in the annual swimming gala at Coombe Hill Infants. All the children tried really hard across a number of races, including relays, noodle races and more. We all had a great time and couldn’t have asked for nicer weather! Well done to the Year 1 children for representing Burlington!

  • Mini Athletics

    date posted: 23/06/24

    On Thursday, 10 of our Reception children attended a mini athletics festival at Corpus Christi School where they took part in a variety of running, jumping and fielding events with other schools from the borough. Everyone tried their best and cheered their team mates on. Well done to all who participated!

  • WWF Update 2024

    date posted: 23/06/24

    The classes across the whole school voted for the WWF endangered animal that they would like to adopt. The most voted for animal was the turtle! Burlington have adopted a turtle for the year. The children are delighted!

  • Year 2 instruction writing - and an experiment you can try at home!

    date posted: 23/06/24

    Year 2 this week have been revisiting their learning about instruction writing. They carried out an exciting, explosive experiment using mentos and diet coke. They have written some instructions so you can recreate this experiment at home!

  • ASD Parent/Carer Support Group

    date posted: 23/06/24

  • Kingston Adult Education Open Day

    date posted: 23/06/24

  • Net Zero Superheroes!

    date posted: 17/06/24

    On Wednesday the engineers returned to our school. They visited the classes of the Y2 children who took part in their competition at home.

    The children presented their own solutions to climate change and reaching net zero at home.

    The children were very creative and confidently explained their ideas. They answered questions from their friends and from the engineers.

    All the children who took part received a certificate. Well done everyone! 

  • Year 2 Leavers T-shirts!

    date posted: 17/06/24

    In our KS1 assembly on Monday, Mrs Yay-Walker introduced the importance of saying goodbye and that in September Year 1 children will move into Year 2 and Year 2 children will move into Year 3 at the junior school. We will be saying goodbye to Year 2 children in July. She shared lots of photos to celebrate the fun times we have all had!
    As a leaving gift every year the Year 2 children are given a special leavers t-shirt. This year they have been kindly bought by the PTA.

    The children can now wear their special t-shirts on their PE Days, Mufti Days and during Healthy Living Week! We are really enjoying seeing the children wearing them!

  • Maths Challenge April 2024

    date posted: 17/06/24

  • KMS Bands Concert - Sunday 14 July

    date posted: 16/06/24

  • World Wildlife Fund 2024

    date posted: 09/06/24

    The children have been so busy this week campaigning for which animal they would like to adopt this year through the WWF. They have made brilliant posters and will be voting for their chosen animal soon!

    We would also like to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated their loose change to the Copper Mile on Thursday. Over the next few weeks, Eco Council children will help to count the coins and the total amount will be donated to the WWF.

    Every class took it in turns to come out to the playground to lay down their coins for the Copper Mile!

    Watch the Copper Mile 2024 on YouTube

  • Mystery Readers

    date posted: 09/06/24

    Top Secret Mystery Readers Wanted!
    Please sign up with your class teacher!

    What is a Mystery Reader? 

    Mystery Readers are special guests who come to our classroom at story time (end of the day) to read a story to the children. Your child will be so excited that you participated, but remember to keep it top secret! Children love to see their parents, grandparents, and special friends show them how much they love reading too. The story can be one that you choose to bring in or one chosen by the teacher. You can read one in English or in your own language. Please fill in the special form on the classroom door.

  • Thank you to the team from AXA XL!

    date posted: 09/06/24

    A huge thank you to the lovely team from AXA XL, one of which is a parent and governor at our school, who come in every year to volunteer as part of the company's 'global day of giving'. The team worked incredibly hard on Thursday, painting 2 new sheds and the reading den as well as clearing up the Rainbow Garden. We are so very grateful for their time and generosity. 

  • Children's Centre Activities this half term

    date posted: 09/06/24

    Please click here for a programme of activities being held this term at local Children's Centres.

  • Kingston Adult Education Courses this term

    date posted: 09/06/24

    Kingston Adult Education has a number of courses starting after half term, most of which are government funded so are free to learners. Take a look at their latest course guide for further details -
    Courses include:

    How to be happy in your life
    Digital skills
    Job search support 
    Explore your business potential 
    Introduction to GCSE maths and English 
    Preparing to work in schools

    Their classes take place throughout the week at various times, both online and at centres across the Royal Borough of Kingston.
    If you are looking to start a course in September, Kingston Adult Education is hosting an Open Day at the Rose Theatre in Kingston on Thursday 20th June from 10am to 4pm.  Go along to find out about next year’s adult learning programme, which includes wellbeing, vocational, maths, English, digital as well as creative courses.  You will also be able to meet some of their tutors and see their learners in action.  Full details can be found on page 8 of their current course guide -

    For further information, please contact Kingston Adult Education directly on 020 8547 6700 or at

  • Thinking of a career in teaching?

    date posted: 09/06/24