Our Vision for Art Learning at Burlington
Art at Burlington develops children’s natural flair, creativity and imagination, encourages experimental approaches, provides opportunities for exploration of techniques and materials and supports children with communicating their ideas about the world. Our shared ethos around a commitment that every child has the potential to progress their own personal creativity and artistic development is embedded in all year groups. We place great emphasis on the process and not just the final product, to show the ‘journey’ the child has taken to reach their final piece.
Art Curriculum Overview
At Burlington, Art is a truly inclusive subject where all children thrive and achieve. With our diverse community in mind, opportunities are provided for children to develop a positive awareness of different cultures and traditions. Within lessons, we give children the opportunity to work on their own and collaborate with others on projects in two and three dimensions and on different scales. We encourage children to evaluate their own ideas and methods, as well as the work of others, sharing what they think and feel about them. Children also have the opportunity to use a wide range of materials and resources, including ICT.
In Early Years (Nursery and Reception), children self-select from a wide range of resources during continuous provision which enables them to create amazing, individual and unique creations. They explore colour and how colours can be changed, use a range of different tools and materials when mark making and understand that different media can be combined to create new effects. They enjoy experimenting with junk modelling materials, selecting their own resources and adapting their work where necessary.
In Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2), children build on their knowledge and skills developed in Early Years and further explore the use of colour, line, tone, texture and shape and form. Sketchbooks are introduced and are used to show each child’s own personal creative journey and the way they have developed their thinking. Teaching is responsive to children’s creativity ideas or creativity. Children manipulate media and materials in a variety of ways and develop their understanding of drawing through experimenting with different shapes and thickness, tones and lines. Peer assessment (for example, through the use of art galleries) helps children to refine their skills, review and modify their work.
The Art curriculum at Burlington follows the National Curriculum. You can find the appropriate extract of this National Curriculum for Art here:
National Curriculum in KS1 - Art
Please note this extract covers KS1 (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 which is followed by the Junior School (Years 3 to 6).
The curriculum map below gives you a complete summary of the Art skills, knowledge and key vocabulary that we teach our children, during each term as they progress from Nursery / Reception and through to Years 1 and 2.
Art @ Burlington - Curriculum Map
Here is a summary of the key learning concepts taught from Reception to Year 2.
Art @ Burlington - Road Map
Here are some photos of our teaching and learning for Art across the school:
News and Events
Artsmark Gold Award
We are thrilled to have been awarded the Artsmark Gold Award this month. This award celebrates the range of arts and cultural opportunities and experiences that we offer at Burlington Infant & Nursery Schoool for our children to engage in.
Real Art installed in our playground!
We are honoured to have been gifted these magical, anamorphic art installations, designed by Mike and Cindy @unitlab, which formed part of the ‘Shape, Mirror, Play’ exhibition at Orleans House Gallery, last summer. They now sit proudly in our Nursery outdoor learning environment and in our newly designed KS1 playground for the children to explore and discover the joy of science and art combined!
Burlington Artists go LIVE on Instagram! @Burlington_infants_art
Our page is a celebration of art, craft and design, created by Burlington Infants' budding young artists from Nursery to Year 2 and proudly shared by Mrs Stebbings, Art and Design lead.
Through art, craft and design we want to engage, inspire and challenge pupils by introducing them to a broad range of techniques, materials and artists, craftspeople and designers. We want to equip them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, explore, take risks, invent and create. It will enable them to be authentic and explore their own identity as well as being curious about respecting and connecting with others. Most importantly, we want them to foster a positive, life-long relationship with the subject and have fun! We want all our children to know that they are artists, craft makers and designers!
Follow along with us to see our creative journey throughout the school year and join in with our termly art challenges for your chance to have your masterpieces featured on our page!
How to Help at Home
Look at this website for some great ideas to create artwork at home:
Mister Maker Make a Picture
Visit art museums and galleries! There are so many in London. Don’t forget you can ask your child to record their experiences of days out and special days through painting, drawing, or even using junk modelling. Try exploring different places in London and use these as inspiration for your own art work at home. Bring it in to share with the class!
Try and make a sculpture with materials from your garden:
Andy Goldsworthy: The Art of Nature
Check out this website for inspirational water colour paintings or even better visit the museum and see for yourself!