Personal, Social and Health Education

Our Vision for PSHE Learning at Burlington

At Burlington, Personal, Social and Health Education is at the heart of what we do. As a whole-school approach we underpin children’s development as well-rounded members of society, who can make a positive contribution to their community. We believe that this also supports their learning capacity and enables them to make responsible and well-informed decisions in their lives. We value the importance of PSHE to support children’s development as human beings, to enable them to understand and respect who they are, to empower them with a voice and to equip them for life and learning.


PSHE Curriculum Overview

Our school vision and ethos is strongly supported through and embedded in the delivery of our PSHE (personal, social and health education) whole school approach (behaviour for learning) curriculum. At our school, we are committed to ensuring that the emotional and social needs of all our children are met within our school environment and support the development of children’s health and wellbeing, self esteem and confidence.

As part of providing a broad and balanced PSHE curriculum through our agreed PSHE whole school approach, we are able to nurture and support the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development in young children and promote the fundamental British Values in young lives. We support children to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives and become responsible citizens. We recognise that our school vision is crucial to this learning and should be at the heart of whole school development.

We use the Jigsaw Programme which builds the foundations of children and young people’s positive relationship with themselves, self-esteem, self-respect, and assertiveness skills.  In Early Years (Nursery and Reception), children learn about being in a classroom and following rules, understanding feelings, self-identity.  The golden rules of being kind and gentle are introduced and children learn about what is special to them, how to make friends and what a good friend means. They learn to set challenges, persevere during learning, overcome obstacles, seek help and achieve their goals.  They also learn about physical activity and why we need to exercise, healthy food, keeping clean, respecting their body and growing up.

Children are introduced to the learning characters which are continued into Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2).  In KS1, children build on the learning introduced to them and learn about how to feel special and safe, rewards and feeling proud, similarities and celebrating differences, making new friends and dealing with fall outs.  They also learn to set goals, celebrate achievement, tackle new challenges, overcome obstacles, feelings of success as well as making healthier lifestyle choices, medicine safety and road safety.  They learn about the qualities of a friend, changes in themselves since being a baby, differences between male and female bodies and how to cope with change.

Every week the children have Celebration Assembly. During this assembly, children that have made good choices are celebrated and thanked for the things that they have done. The children have their photo taken and their good choice annotated below the printed image. The children stand up in assembly and talk about the lovely thing that they have done. Their photo goes on The Good Deed Board and stays there for the whole year. Children and adults tell Mrs Docwra about the kind things that they have seen so that she can take the photos.

As a school, our aim is to embed PSHE in every aspect of school life and PSHE is delivered through a range of whole school activities including: weekly PSHE, good deed and learning assemblies; school, eco and learning council forums; special themed weeks; fundraising activities; celebrating significant days and visitors to the school.

To read our PSHE Policy for the current academic year, please see below.  In the appendix of this document, you will also find an overview of the different themes covered in our lessons across Early Years and KS1.

PSHE Policy

To find out more about the changes to the PSHE curriculum at Burlington Infant & Nursery School this current academic year, please click below:

Changes to PSHE at Burlington - Presentation for Parent Information Morning

The PSHE curriculum at Burlington is taught using the Jigsaw scheme.  To find out more about Jigsaw, please click below:

Jigsaw Scheme used to teach PSHE at Burlington

Jigsaw information leaflet for parents and carers

The curriculum map below gives you a complete summary of the PSHE skills, knowledge and key vocabulary that we teach our children, during each term as they progress from Nursery / Reception and through to Years 1 and 2.

PSHE @ Burlington - Curriculum Map

Here are some photos of our teaching and learning for PSHE across the school: 

News and Events

British Values and School Council

School Council children are the champions for British Values. They have been testing out Democracy at Burlington Infants.

School Council Project 1: Playground Improvements!

School Council have been working with their classmates to make some big changes in our school. They voted on some of the areas that they wanted to improve in our school.  The most votes were for the reading den, and the sandpit. The School Council wrote a shopping list of things they wanted to improve the Sandpit and the Reading Den. They went on a trip to New Malden High Street to buy some of these things. They have put these things into the reading den and the sandpit. Look out for them at playtime, but please look after them.  

Project 2: New School Catering Company!

The school was looking for a new catering company to provide our lunches. The School Council was asked to help! They were asked to taste some food cooked by each company. It was so delicious and fun! After they tasted the food, they had to vote for their favourite. They chose a company called Nourish. They will be starting after the half term break. Look out for the new tasty menu! 

We learned that we can make big changes to improve our school through democracy. We voted on which areas of the school to improve, and what we wanted to do to improve it. Our ideas and opinions mattered. We helped decide which company would be our new catering company. Through democracy, we learned that our voices were important. 

Wellbeing in class

In Reception, we have ‘How do you feel today?’ interactive display boards. The children select their face and place it according to how they feel each day. Teachers and reception staff can then clearly see who is feeling sad and they will then talk to that child one to one, to find out what is making them feel sad and help the child to feel happier by sharing and naming their emotions and worries. The teacher will also select 1 or 2 children who have chosen ‘happy’ to share their happy news with the class.

In Years 1 and 2, the children can write their emotions, worries and concerns down and post this into one of the ‘thinking’ boxes located in the communal areas around the school. These messages are read and given to an appropriate member of staff to respond to the note posted by the child. This could be the class teacher, or a senior member of staff, depending on their ‘worry’.  

Mutual respect in PSHE lessons

Every class has a display of rules that were created and agreed by the children during PSHE lessons. The children came up with important rules that will help everyone learn and feel respected.

We celebrate the good mistakes and children’s resilience to learn even when they might find it hard. We promote the similarities and differences between ourselves and others. We promote mutual respect and say positive things about our friends.

Promoting kindness at Burlington through ‘Good Deeds’

At Burlington, we share kind choices that have been noticed by staff and other children. These get shared weekly during our Celebration assembly (Good Deed assembly) and the children’s photographs are added to a display for the whole school community to see.


How to Help at Home

Following on from our recent Wellbeing and SEND parent information mornings, we have put together a useful collection of slides which explain Zones of Regulation. We use this method in school to help children to recognise and regulate their emotions. This can also be helpful to use at home too. Please click here to see the slides: 

Zones of Regulation slides for parents

  • Keeping a journal and doing daily exercise can help us to look after our wellbeing. You can download a free Wellbeing Journal and take part in some 15-minute exercises, created by Nuffield Health here
  • Singing and dancing are also a great way to help us feel happy. Spread The Happiness have shared their Nursery Rhymes and Dough Disco videos for free, here:
  • Yoga and Meditation can help children to relax and stay calm. Cosmic Kids Yoga channel on YouTube has free videos aimed at children aged 3+.
  • Take a photo of any good deeds of your child and email to the office
  • It can be helpful to start talking about a PSHE topic using a stimulus — such as a storybook, film, news article, scenario or case study. Always ensure that the story/article/scenario you are using does not include content which might upset, shock or frighten children/young people
  • Supporting your child to use the correct body part names