At Burlington Infant & Nursery School we promote excellent attendance for all pupils in order to ensure that they reach their potential, both academically and socially. We encourage all pupils to create these good habits as early as possible so that they are instilled throughout their school lives.
Our school target for attendance is 97%. Attendance is measured on a week by week basis. Children whose attendance falls below 90% are identified by the local authority as Persistent Absentees. Attendance this low will have a detrimental effect on a child’s academic progress and will prompt the involvement of the Education Welfare Officer. If your child’s attendance falls below 90%, you will be asked to meet with the Headteacher and our Family Support Worker to review your child’s attendance.
Each year there are only 190 statutory days in school, that is 380 registration sessions (morning and afternoon for each day). This means there are 175 days (weekends and school holidays) for shopping, birthday treats, non-urgent medical and dental appointments, holidays etc. We understand that children do fall ill occasionally and may need to stay at home. If your child is ill, please ring in on the first day of absence or use our Absence Reporting webpage.
Sometimes it can be difficult to make a judgement on whether your child should come to school if they are unwell. Below are some general guidelines:
The NHS have a very useful guide here to common childhood illnesses and advice on when to keep children home from school if they are ill and for how long.
Nursery Attendance & Punctuality letter Autumn 2024
Reception to Year 2 Attendance & Punctuality letter Autumn 2024
Attendance Policy
Parent School Agreement
Absence Reporting
In exceptional circumstances, you may need to apply for a short term absence from school.
Absence request procedure:
Request a meeting with the Headteacher a minimum of 4 weeks in advance of the date requested to discuss the exceptional circumstances.
Submit copies of any supporting documents (e.g. letters from the hospital) which show the exceptional/urgent nature of the leave requested, with the absence request form (completed).
Application for school absence

Supporting our families to achieve good attendance
Mrs Easty is our Family Outreach Worker and is available to help and support families to put in place routines that support good attendance.
Meet 'Be There Bear'
‘Be-There Bear’ has been introduced to the children as our attendance bear. Every week, one class in each year group with the best attendance across their year group will win ‘Be-There Bear’ for a whole week. One child with 100% or the best attendance for that week in the winning class will be selected to take the bear home over the weekend. We ask that you take a photo of your child and the bear doing something fun together, (e.g. baking a cake, playing at the park, playing with Lego) and include it in the Be There Bear book that will come home with the bear.
The children are very excited and are looking forward to winning the bear for their class and a chance to take the bear home. Please support your child’s class and ensure your child is in school every day, arriving at 8.50am.

This week's attendance
Our average attendance this week is 96.83%.
Rabbits - 100%
Sapphires - 99.33%
Saturn - 98.67%
Rubies - 98.67%
Hedgehogs - 98.67%
Emeralds - 98.28%
Jupiter - 97.67%
Squirrels - 97.59%
Venus - 96.90%
Diamonds - 94.14%
Mercury - 93.67%
Foxes - 88.33%
Well done to Saturn (Year 2), Sapphires (Year 1) and Rabbits (Reception) for the best attendance this week.
Encouraging Excellent Attendance - Fixed Penalty Notices
The vast majority of parents and carers at Burlington Infant and Nursery school secure 95% or above attendance and punctuality for their child. It is our aim, working with parents to ensure every child has excellent attendance and punctuality in order to secure the best possible chance of success, progress and achievement in school.
Unfortunately, a very small minority fail to ensure regular and punctual good attendance. Regular and punctual attendance at school is a legal requirement and a responsibility of parents and carers: under section 444 of the Education Act 1996, an offence occurs if a parent or carer fails to secure their child’s attendance at the school where they are a registered pupil and the absence is not authorised by the school.
To supplement the existing strategies currently employed by the school and Local Authority and, like a number of other local schools, Governors have agreed that Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) may be used at Burlington Infant and Junior School from September 2018. A penalty fine of £60 per child, per parent (which would increase to £120 if unpaid) will be issued in accordance with Achieving for Children’s Code of Conduct for FPN’s and our own attendance policy. The Education (Penalty Notices-England) Regulations 2007 prescribe the necessary details for the operation of the Fixed Penalty Notice scheme. Penalty fines are paid to the local authority and are not received by the school.
Fixed penalty notices may be issued in the following circumstances for unauthorised absences:
Absence due to parents who fail to send their child/children to school when they are fit and well
Unauthorised term time leave (including family holiday)
Unauthorised delayed return from an extended holiday
Persistent late arrival at school
Fixed Penalty Notice leaflet for parents
Further information:
FPN Presentation for Parents
Use of Fixed Penalty Notices
Use of Fixed Penalty Notices - in Korean
Use of Fixed Penalty Notices - in Tamil
Use of Fixed Penalty Notices - in Urdu