Keeping Your Child Safe

This page features useful information about keeping your child safe and talking to them about important messages such as that their body belongs to them.


Safeguarding Policy

If you have any concerns regarding a child's well-being, please speak to one of our school safeguarding team (Michelle Docwra, Terri Easty, Su Yay-Walker or Claire McEvoy) or contact the Single Point of Access (SPA) for Kingston on 020 8547 5008.  The Safeguarding Governor is Mr Roshan Sivapalan and can be contacted via the Clerk to Governors at the Infants Office.


Keeping your child safe from abuse

The NSPCC's 'Let's Talk Pants' campaign has lots of useful advice for parents and carers to help their children understand important messages such as their body belongs to them, and to talk to a adult if worried or upset.
Further information can be found by clicking the link below:

NSPCC Let's Talk Pants!


Online Safety

Here is our school's Online Safety policy:

Online Safety Policy

This policy applies to all staff, students, volunteers, parents/carers, visitors, community users working in the school, who have access to and are users of our school’s IT systems.

Through our weekly PSHE and Computing lessons, we discuss with our children how the internet can be a really helpful tool for people all around the world but how sometimes things we see on the internet might not be true. So, because we can’t be sure that everything that we see on the internet is true, we have to be careful about what we look at and what we believe. When we use the internet safely, it can help us learn more and have fun. When the internet is not used safely, it can be a bit scary. Lots of things on the internet are meant for adults and are not meant for children to see or use, so it is important that children don’t look at them. As a school we have come up with and agreed on what to do and who to tell if they saw something online that upset them.

Staying Safe Online by Burlington Pupils (Sept 2020)

In September 2024, we put on a valuable Online Safety presentation that was delivered by a representative of Eduthing who manage our IT support.  The talk included lots of new and useful information for parents as well as techniques for teaching your child how to remain safe online. 

Online Safety Presentation to Parents - September 2024

Online Safety Resources for Parents & Carers

Privacy Security Apps Flowchart

Here are some Information Sheets that cover facts and watch outs for online usage and popular apps.  You can view these below:

5 Top Tips to Keep Your Child Safe Online

Fortnite Parents Guide

House Party Safety Card

Snapchat Parents Guide

TikTok Parents Guide

WhatsApp Parents Guide

Yubo Parents Guide

Setting Parental Safeguards on Your Child's Kit

Advice Screen Time and Social Media Use

BBC News - Video app TikTok fails to remove online predators

Thinkuknow factsheet - Grooming

Thinkuknow factsheet - Reporting your concerns of online grooming

Thinkuknow factsheet - Using parental controls

Thinkuknow factsheet - Worried your child has shared too much online

Thinkuknow factsheet - Worried your child will see something inappropriate online

Please also read some other useful information sheets below. They give lots of straight-forward advice about how to keep your children safe online.

Keeping Under Fives Safe Online

E-Safety Parent Factsheet

E-Safety Parents and Carers Checklist

Online Safety

Further information can be found by clicking the links below:

Think U Know - for 5-7 year olds

Think U Know - for parents

The NSPCC has lots of helpful information on their website:

NSPCC Online Safety Partnership

They also have a free Online Safety Helpline where parents and carers can call for advice from expert advisors on setting up parental controls, social media and other online concerns. 

NSPCC Online Safety Helpline: Call free on 0808 8005002