
We offer a variety of after-school clubs including:

  • Art - Year 1 and 2
  • Bat and Ball - Year 1 and 2 
  • Chess - Year 1 and 2 
  • Choir - Year 2
  • Dance Dots - Reception 
  • Football - Year 1 and 2 
  • French 
  • Multi Skills Sports - Reception 
  • Spanish 

In the summer term, we offer a range of free clubs available to certain children and year groups.  Last summer we offered Country Dancing, Gardening and Mindful Colouring.

Violin, Guitar, Keyboard/Piano and Recorder Lessons: These lessons are arranged through Kingston Music Service a term in advance. You should contact them directly on 020 8547 5050 or at The lessons are held during the lunchtime break at school.

We will send out a letter in book bags every half-term telling you:

  • Which clubs are on offer to each year group
  • How much they cost
  • How to book

After School Clubs - Summer 2 2024

Chess Club for Summer term 2024

French and Spanish Club for Summer term 2024