All children in Reception, Year One and Year Two are asked to wear school uniform. We want to make sure that you, our parents, have lots of options as to how you can purchase the uniform for your convenience and value for money.
School Uniform Policy
Our official supplier is PMG Schoolwear; this is the only place to buy our school logo sweatshirts / cardigans and book bags. PMG Schoolwear has a shop in Chessington which you can visit to see, try on and buy the uniform. They also sell other items of clothing e.g. trousers and skirts etc. giving you the option of buying all your uniform together. Please note, trousers, skirs, polo shirts etc. can all be bought cost effectively at supermarkets and other retailers. PMG also sell the Junior School uniform.
You can visit PMG Schoolwear at 393-395 Hook Road, Chessington, Surrey, KT9 1EL. There is free parking outside the shop, or you can use the Sainsburys Local car park which is just opposite the shop.
You can order online from PMG Schoolwear by clicking here:PMG Schoolwear
You can also order by phone on 0208 786 2211 or email The items will be sent directly to your house (P&P will be added).
PMG Schoolwear item list and prices
Please refer to the school uniform list below to see what your child will need.
School Uniform List:
Royal blue sweatshirts / cardigans with the school logo - only available from PMG Schoolwear
Grey trousers / shorts
Grey pinafore dress / skirt
White polo shirt
Black shoes (not trainers)
Grey / black / white socks or tights
In summer, a blue and white checked dress may be worn
Royal blue school book bag with the school logo (no rucksacks / back packs please) - only available from PMG Schoolwear
Children should not come to school with large decorative head bands or clips. Please use plain blue, white or black hairbands and hair ties.
Uniform and PE kit poster
Aside from the sweatshirts / cardigans and book bags with our school logo (which are only available from PMG Schoolwear), all other items can be bought cost-effectively from supermarkets such as Tesco, Asda and Matalan.
P.E. Kit
All children in Year 1 and Year 2 need a PE kit that they will wear all day, on their designated PE days.
School sweatshirt or cardigan (with logo) - non-uniform jumpers / hoodies are no longer allowed
Black or dark blue tracksuit bottoms (no logos / patterns)
Dark blue or black PE shorts (no logos / no patterns - for warm weather only)
White plain t-shirt (no logos / patterns)
Grey or white socks
Black or white sports trainers - no other coloured trainers. Please avoid laces unless your child can mange them independently.
Uniform and PE kit poster
Children in Reception need the above PE kit from October half term onwards. They will start doing PE indoors so do not need trainers immediately. Like with Year 1 and 2, when Reception starts PE, the class teacher will let you know which days the children should come in to school already dressed in their PE clothes - they will stay in these all day.
Other Items
Children should bring a book bag to school each day.
If your child is bringing a packed lunch from home, please ensure that they have a compact, named, rectangular lunchbox so that we can stack them.
Children go out to play on most days so they need waterproof shoes and a warm coat that they can do up themselves. Shoes should be suitable for running, climbing on play equipment and for normal playtime activities.
Reception and Nursery children will also need Wellington boots for outdoor activities on rainy days.
No jewellery should be worn however children with pierced ears can wear studs. Please do not send your child with large hair accessories.
Watches may be worn at the owner’s risk.
All items should be marked clearly with the child’s name to help the school return lost clothing and equipment. Below is a link to a discount offer for name labels to use on clothing and belongings, sponsored by our PTA: