Voluntary Contribution

At Burlington Infant & Nursery school, we provide pupils with a full and enriched education and school experience in a range of ways.  We enhance our curriculum and learning through themed workshops and events, as well as improving the outdoor learning and play spaces for all our children.  Voluntary contributions, along with funds raised by the PTA, also help us to pay for exciting play equipment, the reading den and canopies to provide shade for outdoor play.

In light of the above, each year we ask parents/carers to make a small voluntary contribution towards to help to enrich the quality of our pupils’ education during their time at the school. 

The voluntary contribution for Burlington Infant & Nursery School is £75 per family, although you are welcome to give more, of course. This is separate to the contribution made to the Junior school. We completely understand that we are entering into a tough period with the cost of living increasing and we understand the financial impact this will have on a lot of families. We are therefore asking for contributions only if you feel you are able to. The contributions are entirely voluntary and we are incredibly grateful for any support you are able to give.  

Please make your donation via your School Gateway account. You can make a one-off payment of £75 (please note that School Gateway allocates the amount to each child therefore if you have more than one child at the school, you only need to make one payment against one child). There is also an option to pay on a reducing balance with smaller instalments throughout the year. If you need any assistance with School Gateway or are having problems activating your account, please speak to the school office. 

To maximise the value of any donations received we will be accepting donations via the PTA which is a registered charity. This means that UK taxpayers can Gift Aid their donations e.g. for every £75 paid with gift aid the school will receive an additional £18.75 from the UK government. Please read the declaration at the checkout and enter your full name and address in the payments comments box when paying via School Gateway and the school will receive an additional 25% on each contribution. If you are NOT a UK taxpayer, please state this in the comments box so that we do not claim Gift Aid on your donation.

Thank you for your support in enabling the school to provide valuable resources and experiences to enhance the lives of pupils at Burlington Infant & Nursery School.

School Gateway - school's online payment system

Voluntary Contribution 2024-25 Update