At Burlington we aim to provide a safe, secure and relaxed environment, offering a range of activities to reflect the interests of the children in our care. There will always be a selection of activities and resources available, including board games, construction toys, physical play, craft and reading.
Breakfast club is open from 7.30am weekdays during term time.
The After School club is open from 3.20pm until 6pm weekdays during term time. (Please note on school early-closure days, Acorns will close at 5.00 pm.)
Important Information for 2024-25
Please find attached a letter that outlines some important changes and updates for the Breakfast and After School club from September 2022
Updates to Acorns from September 2024
Admission to Infant Acorns is for children who are 3 to 7 years old and is organised by the Acorns Administrator. Please email acorns@burlingtoni.org.uk for admission enquiries. Children can join the club once they have settled in to the 3 year old Nursery. We use a waiting list system when the need arises. The waiting list will be operated on a first come-first served basis, with the exception of siblings who will have priority for the same days as a sibling already attending.
We require a completed set of registration forms for each child before they can attend the club. Re-enrolment for September is required at the end of the summer term although existing club users will be given priority. We cannot keep a place open for your child unless you complete a new registration form each year.
Emergency contact details must be kept up to date at all times and it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to notify the school of any changes in details as soon as possible.
Acorns Booking Form for 2024-25
The current fees (from September 2024) are £6 per child per session for Breakfast Club and £15.00 per session for After School Club payable in advance.
This is payable for all booked sessions including when your child is sick, or on holiday (regardless of the amount of notice given). We do not charge for bank holidays and professional training days. When schools close early from 1.45pm (parents evening/end of term) the club will run from the end of the day until 5pm.
Parents are able to pay with electronic childcare vouchers and online via School Gateway. Please ensure that fees are paid promptly. Non payment for more than one week may result in your place being terminated. If you are having difficulty paying fees, please speak in confidence to Navita (Acorns Administrator) via email on acorns@burlingtoni.org.uk
Government subsidies to help with childcare costs
AFC Website for information about help with childcare costs
Childcare Choices website
Tax-Free Childcare and Universal Credit Childcare schemes
Alternative Childcare Providers
We do hope we can accommodate your childcare requirements through Acorns at Burlington Infant & Nursery School. If in the rare case we cannot, please see below for alternative childcare provisions:
Malden Centre
Little Stars
Search for the 'Families of Burlington School, New Malden' on Facebook for recommendations and suggestions from our existing school community
AFC Childcare providers in our borough
AFC Family Information Service
Our menus are fully compliant with school food plan guidelines and are also mindful of any allergies/intolerances registered users may have. We recognise the importance of healthy nutrition for children delivered in a calm, friendly setting and request that food be consumed whilst sitting at the table.
Children are served breakfast from 7.30am and are offered a choice of wholegrain cereals, toast and milk or juice. Fruit is also available.
Our caterers provide a full menu for the children’s evening meal. Fresh drinking water is available at all times. A hot meal will be served from 4.15pm.
Acorns Evening Meal Menu
As of March 2020, we are very pleased to announce that Acorns has been awarded a food hygiene rating of 5.

Infant Acorns Staff
All of our staff have experience of working with children and will undertake professional development training. All staff members are DBS checked.
Mrs Afzal - extended services play leader
Miss Burton - extended services play leader
Ms Johnson - extended services play leader
Mrs Keerthishankar - extended services supervisor
Mrs Khalid - extended services play leader
Miss London - extended services play leader
Miss M Martin - extended services play leader
Miss R Martin - extended services play leader
Mrs Matei - extended services play leader
Mrs Patel - extended services play leader
Ms Tam - extended services play leader
Miss Thevapalan - extended services play leader
Miss Tribe - extended services play leader
Miss Williams - extended services play leader
Your Comments
Here are some comments from families who use our Acorns service:
Thank you to all the team who work hard to keep our kids happy.
We have been so impressed with Acorns... [She] settled in very quickly and we feel very comfortable with the after school club. The Acorns staff are very friendly and [she] speaks about them at home. We are very happy.
We have found the Acorns staff great with the kids and very approachable and friendly. They have communicated well any issues / incidents and have handled the kids with care. The kids really enjoy their time at Acorns and have always been happy there and have made close connections with some of the staff.
Great staff. Daughter always up for going to breakfast club. Keep up the good work!
We will miss Infant Acorns dearly!... He has been in good hands from nursery to now. Thank you!.... [He] will miss them dearly.
A really excellent after school club run by dedicated and energetic staff. Thank you for all your positive work!
Useful Information
Infant Acorns Parent Survey: Results Summary Jan 2025
Infant Acorns Autumn 2024 Newsletter
Infant Acorns Parents' Handbook for 2024-25